We could not be more thankful for this sweet little girl. She has the best, go-with-the-flow personality. She loves being around her people and gets so excited when we play with her. She especially loves play time with Ryan and cracks up when he says, "Boo!"

She loves walking up and down the stairs in our arms and will flap her arms and bounce her legs and let out some excited sounds every time we're on the stairs.
She loooves bath time and playing with water. She usually takes her bath in the sink in our bathroom while Ryan and Natalie are in our tub, but sometimes she'll get in the big tub with them too!
She tried a few more foods this month and is starting to figure out how to chew and swallow. So far she seems to like feeding herself solid foods over being fed purees, so we'll see what the next month brings for her and if she's able to really figure out this eating thing. :)
She is pretty content no matter where she is. She enjoys jumping in her bouncy seat, sitting in her bug chair, laying on her play mat, and reaching for toys during tummy time. She is quick to roll over now when we lay her on her back and has already starting pulling her knees in and rocking! I have a feeling she'll be an early crawler like her brother. It is so funny how similar they are already- she really reminds me so much of Ryan as a baby... just a much smaller version of him, ha!
6 Month Stats:
14lbs 2oz - 15%
25in- 15%
She is a peanut!
Her laugh is hysterical and does not match her tiny frame. We joke that it sounds like a smoker's laugh- so deep and raspy sounding. She usually does it at one of us but will sometimes laugh when she's playing by herself with her toys, especially her Sophie giraffe.
Here's a look at her last month!
Everybody loves to help with mealtime!
Sweet love passed out at Nonna and Papa's Christmas party :)
Looking JUST like Ryan 3 Christmases ago!
(flashback to Ryan from 2014)
Love this view :)
Sweet Emily girl, we are so thankful for you!