
Friday, July 18, 2014

"10 before Baby" Update

Back in March, I shared a to-do list of 10 things we needed to accomplish before Baby Nelsen's arrival.

And now, here we sit, 4 days before my due date (yes, FOUR days!), and I am happy to say that that list is COMPLETE! 

So here is a look at the original list with links and updates on what we've accomplished. 

Man I love checking things off a list. ;)

Ten before Baby Checklist:

Replace carpet in master bedroom with hardwoods

Done! See the post here.

Purchase bedroom furniture for master bedroom. 

We are LOVING our furnitureEspecially since the rest of the room was completed this week! If you follow me on Instagram, you saw this sneak peek pic:

The rest of the makeover will be shared next week!

Move painted dressers from our room to the nursery. 

Set up crib and window seat.

My parents spent a weekend with me when Matt was out of town and set up the crib and window seat and shopped with me for items for the nursery. :)

That same weekend, my sister came and spent the night and brought EIGHT bins of clothes that she had been saving for me! Everything from newborn to 5T. I had no idea she had saved so much! She is the SWEETEST!

Upholster rocking chair, window seat, bumper and crib skirt.

My parents used an upholsterer they love to recover the rocking chair and then surprised us by not letting us pay for it. They're pretty sweet like that. ;)

And then Matt's sweet mama stitched the cushion for the window seat, the car pillow that's on top of it, and the ABC pillow on the rocker.

And my sweet friend Heidi made the bumper and crib skirt as a GIFT! What a love.

Cover pillows for window seat and rocker, and find two gray pillows for window seat. 
Done! You can read more about that here.

Wash, fold, and hang baby clothes. 


Fill out baby book with pre-baby entries. 
So this is the one I haven't done. I think I'm just not sure about keeping up with a baby book (especially for future kids) so I'm afraid to start one! I know I want to do a Shutterfly book of the first year like I do for each year of our marriage, but I am not positive about keeping it in an official "baby book" yet.

Have a picture taken with my pregnant self, Matt, and Tally. 

Thank you Abby for getting this great pic! ;)

Go on our babymoon!

Ahh, what a trip that was- you can read more about it here

We could not be more thankful for all of our sweet family and friends who helped everything come together! Our little guy is so loved already. :)

Don't forget to check out the giveaway going on this week!



  1. 4 days, wow, how exciting!! I think I should copy your sister - I have been giving my wee sis clothes that I have kept one size at a time, my attic would be a lot less cluttered if I just gave her it all now :) A x

  2. Your new hardwood floor looks beautiful!! And the baby's room is adorable! Love the window seat

  3. I love the flooring in your room. It looks great with the wall color.

  4. That bedroom furniture is gorgeous :)
    Sounds like you are ready for baby- 4 days to go, how exciting
