
Friday, November 21, 2014

#nelsendays week 46- Our sweet niece is here!

This has been quite an eventful week! On Wednesday, our sweet niece decided she wanted to make her appearance into this world six weeks early! The first surprise was her unexpected arrival, and the second was her weight- 5lbs 12oz! Baby girl was on her way to being a 10 pounder! Because she was born 6 weeks early, she'll be in the NICU for a little bit, but baby girl is a fighter! In fact, her name means "strong and courageous" and that she is!

So without further ado, let me introduce to you Riley Kathryn McGinnity:

Mama and daddy are doing great. They have the best perspective and demeanor- gracious and positive, ready to love that baby girl lots, and anxious to snuggle her tight when they can!

Meeting this angel baby for the first time was such a gift. She is so strong and beautiful! I even got to see a little smile when her mama reached for her hand. That moment could make a grown man cry, so of course this mama and aunt teared up.

Can't wait to hold her tight and snuggle her close!

It would be so great if you could keep her in your prayers whenever you think about it. We're praying for a short stay in the NICU and healthy, strong lungs. We already know that God can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine based on her safe arrival alone.

This is one of my favorite verses that we taught our UpStreet kids last year that I want to pray over Riley:

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9

Here are a few other favorite shots from the hospital:

Ryan pulled back from the wrap to study Matt's face, and I about died. Love the smile on Matt's dad's face in the background too. :)

Big brother Jackson making his cousin, "Baby Ryan," smile!

And here's a look at what else we've been up to this week:

Day 316: Spending some time with Aunt Karen and Cousin Jackson before Baby Riley's arrival was on our radar! Love the way Jackson leaned in and squished Ryan's face for this pic. :)

Day 317: Making new friends in the mirror- sweet boo is quite smitten with himself. ;)

Day 318: Date night for our anniversary!!

Day 319: The nap boycotter ;)'s like he knows we're on the other side of the monitor. By the way, I mentioned this monitor in one of my recommended baby products posts, and now it's $90 off! It is GREAT!

Day 320: Showering Karen and Baby Riley 3 days before her surprise arrival!

Day 321: I shared this pic on our anniversary, and my mom brain said in the caption that 7 years ago we said "I do" and 6 years ago on the same day, we found out we were pregnant with Ryan. You smart people on Instagram and FB pointed out that my math might have been off, seeing that Ryan is clearly not 5 years old. HA! So yes, ONE year ago, on our anniversary, we found out we were pregnant. Thanks for the help- I need all I can get. :)

Day 322: This sweet buddy was fighting off a little cold but was still all smiles after every nap! Love him so. :)

I started a new series on the blog this week where I shared what we ate for dinner every night for the previous week, with recipes, appetizers, and take-out ideas included. You can check it out here. I'll do the same thing again next week! In the mean time, if you have any go-to recipes that need to be on the rotation, do share!

And exactly one week from today, the winner of the $1650 Christmas Cash Giveaway will be announced!!! Be sure to enter before Thursday night at midnight!

Have a great weekend, friends!!



  1. A big welcome to your sweet niece! Will surely keep her in our prayers...
    I'm a fan of sharing recipes! So I'll keep tuned in to that series for sure.. I'm doing something similar with "What's Cookin' Wednesdays" where I'm going to share a recipe or two from the week!
    In the mean time, since you are a pasta lover - make The Pioneer Woman's Lasagna ASAP. It makes a lot and freezes wonderfully! I love to make a bunch of it and have it in the freezer to grab when I don't want to cook!
    Happy Weekend!

  2. Congratulations on your niece! She is beautiful. :-)

  3. Congrats to your family! Hopefully, she grows quickly and can leave soon.
