
Friday, October 17, 2014

#nelsendays2014 Weeks 39 & 40

It's been a busy but fun couple of weeks. Our days have been going by so quickly. I feel like Ryan will be heading off to kindergarten before I know it... time is just flying by!

And on that note, in the past two weeks I crossed out out of the 20s and into the 30s- still so weird to say I'm 30. Wasn't I just 18?! I'm excited for what this decade (?) holds (not sure I've ever viewed my life in decades until right now). It really feels like we're at the beginning of a fun new stage... a new journey of parenthood and all the craziness that comes along with it. And I have to say I'm pretty pumped for it.

Here's a look at what we've been up to lately!

Day 267: my boys ;)

My attempt at multi-tasking

Day 268: Celebrating the big 3-0. A playdate with Andrea, Reynolds and Teagan, coffee and flowers from Matt (and a super fun surprise of a massage and reservations at a cooking class in the near future!), Tal being Tal, and takeout for dinner. My 30's aren't gonna be so bad. :)

Day 269: Tally's favorite pastime- stopping every few feet to enjoy the breeze and take a breather on our walks. 

Day 270: Sweet Jackson helping me blow out my birthday candles and snuggling with Ryan! Can't wait for these boys to play together. :)

The first Taco Soup of Fall! New recipe here.

Day 271: Worn out after his 2 month photo shoot ;)

Day 272: My hope is that if he shops with me often enough now, mall dates with his mama will just feel natural when he's older. :)

Day 273: 2 month checkup and shots :( and Matt came for moral support- for me, not for Ryan ;) Ryan was a champ!

After our doctor's visit, we did a little shopping with Nonna. Love this little Newsies baby! :)

Day 274:

Day 275:

Day 276: Evening walk with my boys

Day 277: Game day in a house were "we've" decided that Matt gets the boys and I get the girls...

...but he is pretty cute in his Florida State sweats. :)

Day 278: Walkin at the park

a close up of this sweet little thumb sucker and what he looks like all wrapped up in the Solly Baby wrap. I wrote about it and other products I love for this age here.

Day 279: Pretend like all of our kids are lined up on the couch smiling at the camera... because that's what we were going for. #playdatereality (how do those people get those pictures to work?!!)

Day 280: Some days, you just wanna sleep on your mama. :)

Keep up with us everyday on Instagram @hmnelsen



  1. Every picture is so completely adorable. Ryan is growing fast and he is so cute!

  2. Ryan sure is a super cute baby & takes some adorable pictures for sure! I love his outfit for his 2 month shoot, I'm such a sucker for babies in jeans & big kid like looking clothes! He's a keeper & a super photogenic cutie for sure ;)

  3. Gorgeous pictures, Ryan is getting so big! A x
