
Friday, March 21, 2014

#nelsendays2014 Week 11

Day 71: So glad to have Matt home from his ski trip
Day 73: Friday evening at the park = my happy place
Day 74: While doing some spring cleaning, we came across a box that Matt had saved from high school with tons of hilarious pictures of us and notes from me that he had saved. You can see more of the embarrassing shots here.
Day 75: Poor Tally had a Saturday vet visit after we thought that he was possibly choking on a piece of a toy that he wasn't able to get back up. Turns out, our pup is allergic to pollen and needs an antihistamine in the Spring for cough, chest congestion, and a runny nose. All this for our dog who thinks he's a human. Who knew dogs could have allergies or get colds?!
Day 76: Since Matt was leaving for another fun trip on Wednesday of this week (this time for a swanky, all expenses paid broker trip to Cabin Bluff...  a trip in which the sponsoring firm forgot to invite the wives, but I'm not bitter. ;) ), it meant I'd only have him at the house for two dinners, so I decided to bring out the bring guns and make the baked version of this recipe with these mashed potatoes. Meat and potatoes (i.e. no pasta) = bringing out the big guns in my book.
Day 77: Left- a look at what Tally does every time Matt tries to pet Hagan (our next door neighbor's dog and Tally's best friend). He's a little jealous. Right- Tuesday night's dinner is a recipe you MUST try! It takes less than 5 minutes to prep, calls for 3 ingredients, and is SO delish!

It is FRIDAY friends! And Matt gets home tomorrow morning, so I am quite looking forward to a good, and hopefully Spring-weather, weekend. Hope y'all have a good one!



  1. Dont feel bad. Our lab is also allergic to pollen, along with grass, dust you name it. He has to get a steroid shot every month :(

  2. Did you come out with the gender of baby yet?? I keep waiting to find out! Hope you guys have a great weekend!
