
Monday, August 12, 2013

How we spent the last weekend of summer

It was only fitting that Matt and I got to spend our last weekend of summer with his grandparents from Orlando, since we got to spend the first weekend with them too. If you saw my last post that kicked off the new blog series,  you'll remember my twin pic with Karen. Grandpa wanted one with the two of us in our unplanned matching outfits. He loves his iphone, and likes to take pictures on it every chance he gets. ;)

On Saturday, we visited the park behind Karen's house for a couple hours.

Tally kept trying to climb up the slide, so Matt decided he would give him a turn going down- ha! Yes, we are those dog people.

There's a train the comes every so often right by the playground... every time a whistle sounds in the distance, there's a mass exodus of kids and parents leaving the playground to see it as it passes- it's hysterical!

Uncle Jay leading the "kids" back home. :)

Jackson offering up his milk cup to his friend ;)

and Tally gladly accepting

Tally had a ball, if you will, playing back at Karen's house while Jackson read stories with Nanna.

The next morning we went to church and came back to our house for a bit before heading to brunch. 

Three generations of Nelsens- can you see the resemblance?!


  1. Looks like a brilliant weekend! It was our last weekend of the summer holidays as well, school on Wednesday!


  2. You got that right about Papa! He sure does love that iPhone. Every time I see him he whips it out and shows me the latest pics of Jackson!!

  3. i always love visiting your blog and catching up on all the fun you're having! it's so sweet and cute that matt's grandpa has an it!! :)
    tally is too cute having a "ball" :) those pictures are adorable! i hope your first week back is going great and you're setting in nicely, heather! i'm thinking about you, my friend and wishing you a wonderful wednesday!
    p.s. - this post made me want brunch and want to go shopping - i love your clothes! xoxox
