
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blog Award: All about MATT!

Thanks so much to Judy from Judy's H-J Thoughts and Julianne from Sew Fantastic for giving us the above award! Judy is a sweetheart from Jamaica who lost her twin sister three years ago, and has used her blog to share great memores of her time spent with her twin, as well as great things that she has going on in her life now. Swing by her blog and say hello! Julianne has a super cute blog where she writes about her sweet family of three, posts pictures of her adorable daughter, and not only shares her amazingly creative sewing projects, but explains how you can make them too! Stop by and check her out!

Like other blog awards, I'm supposed to share 7 things about myself- but really, after this postthis post, and this post, who wants to know anything else about me?! So here's 7 facts about Matt instead. :)

Facts about Matt:

1. His life motto that he says to me when I need some comic relief is, "H, We're too blessed to be stressed!"

2. After his first day of kindergarten, he told his mom he had a good day, and then asked, "But how much longer will I have to do that do you think?"

3. He got to spend 4 months studying abroad in Europe. When I went to visit him in London, he surprised me with a day trip to Paris, and 10 minutes from the airport, I realized I left my passport in my room. By the time we made it back and reached the gate, they had just closed the doors. And he did not complain for one second. Not one. . . . so after eating our picnic lunches (that were intended for underneath the Eifle Tower) on the Tube-ride back to London, we climbed to the top of St. Paul's Cathedral and watched the sunset over the Thames River. God was sweet to give us a great day and a beautiful sunset after my terrible blunder!

4. In high school, he almost had his teeth knocked out during a basketball game- on the day of Senior Formal. . . and the guy who did it continued playing. I was on the sidelines and almost rushed the court to deck the guy back, cheerleading uniform and all. Bonus fact- Matt's a lot nicer, and a lot less feisty, than I am.
If you look closely, you can see where they put his front two teeth back in place. :/ He still wanted to go to the dance though! So after a very painful dentist visit where he wouldn't hold my hand because he was squeezing the chair so tight, some good pain meds, and an Easy-Mac dinner, we headed to the dance to meet up with our group. :)

5. He has a man crush on Lamar Odom- hundred pa-cent. :)

6. His freshman year at Furman, the school newspaper wrote an article about him called, "A Man's Man, and a Woman's Dream". . . hahaha, (he will be mortified when he sees this post!) and I maybe wanted it to say, "and a Heather's Dream" just to be clear that it was NOT a single's add.

7. He gave his life to Jesus when he was 13 and now shares that same hope with his sweet kindergartners in UpStreet! He will be the best dad one day!

Check out these other great bloggers who are award-deserving!
Congrats on being the next recipients of this award!


  1. Great post, Heather! I remember seeing Matt's bloody grill the morning after Senior Formal and about losing my breakfast. Quite a trooper.

  2. Hi Heather,
    Very interesting post with lovely pictures! I really enjoyed reading it. Take care and my very best wishes to you and you and Matt.

  3. this was such a fun post! you have yourself a good man!
    that old photo of you two is so cute!
    i like his's a good one to live by!

    happy friday! <3

  4. Loved every word of your clever post about one of the most likable, lovable guys in the whole world! Matt's in a class by himself, as are you. How wonderful of God to put you together (even without the Furman article on your side!)

  5. Hopping along from "blog hops everyday." What a beautiful couple. "We are too blessed to be stressed!" I love it that is GREAT advice to live by!

  6. Congrats on the award, love the post on your hubby

  7. That is cool! I wish I could have studied abroad. Heck I just wish I could make it over to the Eifle Tower one day! ;) Your husband sounds like an amazing guy. "Too Blessed to Be stressed" I need to live by those words! He's wise. too!

  8. Thanks so much for the award! Love the facts about your husband!! Thanks again!! :)
