
Friday, March 3, 2017

March Goals + update on disconnecting cable

Ah, March. If the rest of the days are anything like the way we spent the 1st one, I'll be one happy mama. 

Warmer weather landed us at the park for a completely unplanned and super fun morning. We played on the playgrounds, fed the ducks, and enjoyed a picnic lunch before heading back home for naps. And the weather was warm enough during naps for me to get some work done on the screen porch for a good two hours while Ryan and Natalie slept! Glorious, I tell you. 

So March, we're excited for you.

Here's a quick look at what what down (and what gone done) in February before I dive into my March goals:

Finish 2016 Photo Book & Natalie's One Year Book
Glory, glory, hallelujah I have finished the last of the photo books that I started in January! These two right here were definitely the most time intensive, but I am already SO glad to have them to look through. I know capturing and documenting memories will only get harder when we add another baby, but I really want to be intentional about doing the same things for each child when it comes to memory books and the first birthday. Which brings me to number 2.

Make & Order Natalie's One Year Signs
For Ryan's first birthday, I made two signs and ordered one and want to do the same for Natalie.

Here they are!

Workout 3x's/week during nap
I didn't get to do the T25 workouts this month because the disc my sister gave me wasn't working with my Mac- bummer! But I did get to try out some new YouTube prenatal workouts that I'm a big fan plus my once/week pilates class that gets me a full hour workout while the kiddos play for free with their little friends in the church nursery- such a great hour for me and for them!

Share 3 New Recipes
This month, I want to share recipes for:
Homemade Meatballs
Taco Bowls
Chicken Enchiladas

The last recipe I will share this month, but here are the other two:

recipe here

recipe here

Read All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
This book is good, but long! I am finishing it this month before my March book club meeting and then I'll let you know what I thought about it!

Disconnect Cable
The antennas are set up and we're ready to send back the cable boxes! The thing I didn't consider was how the internet rate increases when we get rid of the cable/internet bundle. Cable companies are definitely onto this whole dropping cable thing but keeping internet. So it took a little figuring out to make sure it still made the most sense to get rid of cable (after all this! hah), but we've decided it's definitely still worth the amount we'll save annually (between $800-$1000 depending on the promotions)- especially considering the fact that we barely watch TV. We've also decided to buy a TiVo like Matt had in college so that we can still watch the shows and sports we do watch without commercials and when we want to (hello March Madness later this month and college football in the Fall). So there's definitely some up front costs (antennas are $40/each), but there are no monthly fees going forward! And the picture is honestly great with the antennas. So that's my free advice on that. ;)

Now onto my goals for March!

Finish All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr


Schedule Barre Classes
Thanks to the heads up from my friend Andrea, I'm going to try out 5 Barre classes this month through a deal she found on Groupon! The deal is still available thought tomorrow if you're interested.

Share 4 New Recipes
Chicken Enchiladas
V8 Tomato Basil Soup
French Bread Ham & Cheese Melt
Cilantro Lime Guacamole

Schedule Dentist Appointment for Ryan
Apparently this should have been done as early as 18 months? Oops! We'll get it in (hopefully this month!) before baby number 3 and Ryan turns 3. :)

Have a great weekend, y'all!!



  1. I'm with you on the dentist appointment; my daughter is a little younger than Ryan and we need to do that soon. My eye doctor also told me that he likes to see kids before age 3 in case they have a subtle 'lazy' eye that no one would's easier to correct that when they're very young. Might want to ask about that too!

    1. Good thinking! Thankfully our pediatrician checks their eyes at the 12 month and 2 year checkups, so I was on top of that one without even trying. ;) ...So many things to think about for these little ones! :)

  2. Maybe I will see you this month at Pure Barre if you go to the Roswell location! They are great classes and a fun workout. :)

    1. The Groupon didn't include that location unfortunately! Just tried my first one yesterday- whew! It is a good and fast workout!
