
Monday, March 6, 2017

Great Resource for New Parents: Sleep Baby + a $150 GIVEAWAY!

I am so excited to share with you today a wonderful resource for new parents, or for experienced parents who bring home a new baby who makes them feel like a new parents. ;)


It is one of the most challenging tasks for parents to learn how to manage in the early stages of having their sweet little bundle of joy home. 

Sleep for baby and sleep for parents makes all the snuggly moments, sleepy smiles, funny faces, and tiny coos that much more enjoyable. And without sleep, all of those precious little moments are easy to miss behind the fog of exhaustion.

This is where my friend Elizabeth comes in. Elizabeth has turned her passions and experience into an opportunity to help other moms and dads at one of the most important stages in their early parenting lives. She wants to give parents the opportunity to cherish, appreciate, and soak in those early weeks at home because any parent knows they just go by way too fast.

Read my interview with Elizabeth below to find out more about the incredible company she has created for this exact season of life, and be sure to enter the giveaway and share it with all of your soon-to-be or in-the-throws-of-it parenting friends! They will thank you immensely, trust me.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and why you decided to start your company, Sleep Baby.

Hey! I’m Elizabeth and I live in Charlotte, NC with my husband, Ryan, and our two boys - Graham who is 3 ½ and Hayes who just turned 1. It’s wild and crazy at our house pretty much all the time and I’m completely outnumbered, but I love it and am learning more about trucks and dinosaurs than I ever thought I would. My husband and I started dating at Clemson (where I met Heather!) and just celebrated our 8 year wedding anniversary in February.

I decided to start Sleep Baby for a few reasons. First of all, I’m passionate about babies and sleeping and helping parents enjoy both of those things. As you know, adding a new little one to your family is a huge adjustment and one that most of us are completely unprepared for. Additionally, when I had my first baby I was very fortunate to have close friends who made themselves available to answer all of my questions and help with everything I didn’t know. A lot of moms and dads don’t have this resource and I want to be that for them. I also am hopeful that this platform will give me the chance to share my faith in Jesus as the best support during this season and throughout our entire lives.

What makes Sleep Baby different from other sleep consulting businesses?

My hope is that all of my clients view me as more than just another voice offering more advice about their baby. I really try to be like that friend who you can text with your baby questions who will give you suggestions that actually work and reassurance that you are doing a great job as a mom. This is why I offer unlimited texting/email with all of my consulting packages for us to stay in touch after our session for additional help and encouragement. 

Also, when I was learning about sleep consulting, I was shocked to find out how expensive it is! I think that any family who is stressed out, sleep deprived and confused about what to do with their baby should be able to get help getting their baby to sleep through the night, even if they can’t afford $500 for a phone call. I’ve priced my packages to be much more accessible so every family can start sleeping better!

What are the various packages you offer for your clients?

I offer 3 different packages and work with families to customize these to meet their desires and add things as needed.  We talk over the phone and each package includes unlimited texting/email with me for 2 weeks after the session. If you live in Charlotte I’m also willing to work out a session at your home where I can check out your nursery and current sleep routines as they happen.

The Basic Package ($75) is a 30 minute phone call where I will listen to the family’s needs and discuss their child’s current sleeping patterns and tips for encouraging good habits to get them on track to sleeping longer at night and falling asleep on their own.

The Advanced Package ($150) is a 1 hour phone call that includes everything in the Basic Package along with a Personal Sleep Plan, fully customized to your baby to give you a framework to start teaching them when and how to sleep, along with coaching tips from me for all aspects of the plan.

The Pre-Baby Coaching Package ($50) is a 30 minute phone call to discuss what to expect with a newborn in regards to sleep, suggestions to make your nursery as conducive to sleep as possible, and tips for those first few weeks.

I’ve got a few more details about what each of these include on my website: 

What advice can you give to new moms who are feeling overwhelmed by their new role and unsure about whether they are doing it all "right"?

The fact that you’re concerned about doing it ‘right’ means that you’re already an awesome mom! This is a huge life change and there is no way to be totally prepared. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help or advice when you need it. We were never meant to live life alone, and your community is what is going to help you make it through this wild season without going crazy yourself. Also, there isn’t just one ‘right’ way. Every baby is a unique little person and what works for one might not work for the other. The more babies I get to know the more I realize they are each like a little puzzle and it takes time to figure out the key that works for them.

If you could go back and give a pep talk to yourself as a new mom, what would you say?

They won’t go to college in diapers! Ha! An older lady at my church used to say this to me and it annoyed me so much, but looking back I wish I would have worried less about if everything was going perfectly and enjoyed the snuggles and little moments more. Whatever struggle you are currently going through with your babies, there will come a day when it’s not an issue any more and you might even miss it. (Okay you probably won’t miss changing diapers, but you probably will find yourself looking through your phone at pictures of them when they are sleeping all night.)


Thank you Elizabeth for sharing your heart for parents and letting us get to know you and your business a little bit!

If you or someone you know could benefit from Elizabeth's services, or if you would like to hear more about the different packages she offers, visit her website or contact here here.

And now for the giveaway!!!
Elizabeth is giving away a $150 credit toward services at Sleep Baby! So whether you're awaiting your first baby and would like to take advantage of the Pre-Baby Consulting package, or are in the throws of figuring out life and sleep at home, $150 toward Elizabeth's services will be the best free money you've ever spent!

Enter the Rafflecopter below and be sure to share this giveaway with your friends!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Giveaway entries accepted through Sunday, March 12th at midnight.
Winner will be announced on Monday!



  1. I will be sharing with myself! Trying to lengthen night sleep for my 8 month old!

  2. I'm expecting my first and I am so nervous about sleep! Would love to have an expert to talk with.

  3. I would love to share this with my best friend.(:

  4. I would love to have opportunity to talk with Elizabeth and learn from her.

  5. With myself! I go back to school next week and baby needs to start napping in her crib !

  6. Oh, how I could use sleep help for my 5 month old!! She still wakes every 1-2 hours and I am exhausted!! I don't drink coffee and I don't get sleep so I'm just running on Jesus :)

  7. I'm entering for my family. My girl is over a year old and we are still struggling with sleep. It has been very difficult at times. Thankfully she's such a sweet baby girl, but we could really use some long stretches of sleep in our house.

  8. This would be so helpful for my two little ones!

  9. Man do we need help! Entering for myself! We just welcomed our second daughter who enjoys napping for 20 minutes. We also have a toddler and I am so nervous about sleep training with her in a room next door ��

  10. So great to hear about your services!! This would be very helpful.
