
Friday, July 1, 2016

July Goals

July for us means family time, pool time, our first family-of-four vacation, and a sweet little boy who will turn TWO at the end of the month- insert all the emotions here.

I have 27 days left to love on this one year old and get excited about celebrating his two-year-old self at the end of the month.

Before sharing my July goals, here's a quick recap of how my June goals turned out:

Book our vacation
 We can't wait to ride bikes through this park!
Find all the details of where we're headed here.

Read Me Before You

Ahh, man. I finished this book yesterday and honestly think I would say it was just okay. I was so prepared to loooove it- I'm a sucker for a great love story after all. But I guess that was the problem... I didn't feel like it was a great love story. It held my attention well enough, and I was looking forward to seeing how it ended (even though I felt like I knew how it was going to end the whole time I was reading it), and I will probably still see the movie to compare the two, but overall it was just okay for me.

Create 2 new recipes
I ended up coming up with 3 new recipes this month that were all really different and tasty in their own ways. You can check them out below:
1- recipe here, 2- recipe here, 3-recipe here

Order Natalie's Stats sign
I love what Willow Lane Prints did this time!
Stay tuned for a post and giveaway from WLP next week!

Now for a look at my goals for this month:

Stick to a workout routine
I discovered this month that if I don't make this a goal, I don't do it. So here it is: I want to make sure I set aside time to break a sweat 3 x's a week. And sprinkle in some non-break-a-sweat, quicker workouts in between.

Drink more water
I've had trouble with my milk supply this go around and know that drinking lots of water is one of the easiest ways to get my supply back to where it needs to be. So I'm making it a goal to drink at least 64oz. of water a day. And hopefully I can get that up to 96oz by the end of the month. I have a 32oz. water bottle, so filling that 2-3 times a day will get me there.

Start Natalie's One Year Book
When Ryan turned one, I made a Shutterfly book of his first year.
It was a lot to do all at once, so I want to work on Natalie's a little bit at a time. I figure this month I can knock out her first 5 months (5 months already?!) and have a good start on her book.

Plan something fun Ryan's birthday
We have a little party planned for him but we want to do something special with him on his actual birthday too. We're not sure what yet but bikes, water, animals, cooking, climbing, jumping and building are a few of his favorite things- so we'll probably do something involving one of those things!

Create 2-3 new recipes
I'm liking having this as a monthly goal. I love to cook and come up with new recipes for our family, so I want to set aside time to make this happen each month.

That's it for my goals for July!

Hope you all have a great weekend!


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