
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Hello Due Date

July 22nd- is it really here?!

Some days it felt like this day would never arrive. Certainly not when we were praying and hoping to be given the sweet opportunity of parenthood.

And now, here it is. Our due date.

We're as ready as we're gonna be to meet our little man, but we're just as happy to wait on him to make his appearance whenever he's ready. 

The bags are packed (albeit, over-packed), the nursery is ready, the clothes are washed, and the house is clean- shower curtains and all... because that's what happens when you get close to your due date apparently- you suddenly become overly interested in being clean.

The only thing missing now is the sweet boy who will change our lives forever.

There's no telling what the Lord has in store for our family from here- how many kids we'll have, whether they'll be boys or girls, biological or adopted, close in age or spread apart...

But it feels like we're standing at the threshold of sweet change. The beginning of new experiences and lessons to be learned.

And we can't wait.

Thank you for all of your encouraging words throughout this journey and for sharing in our anticipation of Baby Nelsen's arrival.

We'll update IG or FB when we're headed to the hospital! 



  1. How exciting! I hope everything goes smoothly and your wee boy doesn't keep you waiting too much longer!

  2. Good luck! I'll be praying for you when it's finally time!

  3. Praying for a smooth delivery and a healthy baby!! So excited for y'all! :) hurry and get here baby boy!

  4. And now I'm crying, at work. So excited for y'all! Can't to keep up via IG!

  5. Eek! Have a safe and healthy delivery :)

  6. So exciting- Prayers that everything goes perfectly!
