
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thanksgiving in Orlando

We spent Thanksgiving week in Orlando, where 26 of Matt's family members came together to celebrate! Here is the enormous photo dump from the week:

Jackson's (our nephew) first time on the trampoline was a big hit!





He had lots of cousins who were excited to play with him!

Part of the group getting ready to play a game

Matt and Greg drafting teams for the big horseshoe tournament


Graham and I were paired up and were confident we'd have the victory... until we lost in the first round. Dangit!

Such focus... ha

Matt was quite proud of his action shot ;) ...and now the loss makes sense. I'm a littler too dancer-y for horseshoes I think.

Grandpa going strong at 80+ years old!

Love the pure excitement from Matt, Karen, and Jay. Our family is not competitive at all. ;)
My fellow Clemson girl :)

A man and his John Deere... :)

Prepping the alligator meat for the frier. Yes, alligator meat. I tried it (I got tricked by Graham while I was cooking and preoccupied- in was in my mouth before I knew what I was eating... but it really wasn't that bad!) Gregg and his son Mark are the ones who have the Alligator skin business I told you about a while back. You can check it out here- they have awesome gift ideas for Christmas!

Jarred wasn't too sure either. ;)

Cracks me up- felt fitting too when we were preparing Thanksgiving for 26 people!

Nanna and Grandpa with their four kids

The whole gang!

Please check out the stash on Mark. Classic.

Getting ready to pray before dinner

After dinner, we had a huge bonfire

The next day, we shot skeet in Gregg and Leslie's front yard. Some people preferred to watch from inside the house. 


Not sure

These two cracked me up- love the poses.

What to do after dinner... ah yes, juggling! Of course! If I told you how long this went on and how many people got involved (myself included) you wouldn't believe me... but the picture give you the idea that it was not short-lived.


Only Gregg would have an uncanny amount of juggling sets and a clown mask to finish the look. I'm not gonna lie, the mask freaked me out.

hahah- that is my foot! What am I doing?! I believe I was juggling under my leg, but I'm not quite sure how I ended up in this pose. The concentration is hilarious though. We are such nerds.

Want to get this $50 sterling silver bracelet for FREE?! Enter the Blue Nile giveaway here.

Tomorrow, I'll be hosting an online Arbonne party with a giveaway for this foundation primer. Make sure you come by to enter!

And don't forget, you have until December 15th to shop the Stella & Dot online trunk show. Spend $50 and you'll receive $25 Dot Dollars to spend in January! They also have some great sales going on. For a list of ideas, click here. To shop sale items, click here.



  1. Visiting from DYWW. Loved your photos. Looks like you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Nice to *meet* you.
    Many blessings,

  2. Oh what fun Heather!!! Love, love, love it! Alligator meat...haha, too funny! Go grandpa, go grandpa! He can still horseshoe with the best of them! And the pillow...too cute and oh so true! Looks like you all had a fun-filled Thanksgiving...that's what family is all about! ;-)

  3. I definitely think the foot picture should be your new profile pic! Love it! See you in a few short weeks!
