
Friday, July 26, 2013

#Summerdays2013 week 9

Day 57: Day at the Zoo!

Day 58: Car snuggles on our way back from lunch :)

Day 59: Afternoon with this little buddy (our sweet nephew, Jackson!) and his daddy while his mama through a baby shower for a friend

Day 60: "A. Started a major yard and house project. B. Found sweet baby birds while we worked. C. Played tennis is the rain. D. Made dinner from the back of a bag of cheese. E. Finally got TV and internet back. #goodday"

Day 61: Lunch with my sweet friend Mary Margaret, her two babies, and Tally at Zoes. And wouldn't you know we saw Matt Ryan (quarterback for the Falcons) walking out right as we sat down on the patio?!

Day 62: My happy place- cooking with a glass of wine.
Recipe here.

Day 62 part 2: Snuggles with daddy :)

You can find me on Instagram @hmnelsen
For the other places you can find me, click here.

Next week on the blog is RECIPE WEEK!!! I'm going to be sharing one new recipe everyday that I've made in the last two weeks. If you follow me on pinterest or have seen the last two #summerdays2013 posts, you've seen pictures of these meals. Rarely (and by that I mean it's never happened) do I go 5 for 5 on new recipes being add-to-the-rotation worthy... these were all SO good! Can't wait to share them with you!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Tally is getting so big! Looks like you are having a fantastic summer break :)


  2. ohmygoodness, that photo of you at the zoo is just too cute! all these photos make me smile! i am lovin' your hair so pretty!
    i hope you and matt are enjoying a nice, relaxing weekend. thinking of ya lots, my friend. <3<3<3

  3. Love all the pictures! That recipe for the broccoli braid looks delicious. Look forward to your recipe shares next week! :)
