
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Updates and Confessions

We are having a great time on vacation! There are few things in life that I enjoy more than a nice relaxing week at the beach. Our weather has been perfect up until right now, but thunderstorms at the beach (especially in the evening) don't bother me one bit. Plus, this gives me a chance to share some quick updates.

First of all, thanks to Lauren from Little Guess Family, I have a super cute new button for our blog!  Thank you, Lauren!

Secondly, I am following Kari+Nathan, a new-to-me blog that is everything a good blog should be: honest, funny, sweet, sincere... and best of all, the author doesn't take herself too seriously. Check it out!

Lastly, I'm a few months in to this whole blogging world, and have learned some things about myself. One, I get a little too excited about new comments, and two, I may or may not do a little jig when I gain new followers. Yep. So there it is. I'm going to justify (a.k.a. make myself feel better) both of these truths with the fact that one of my love languages is words of affirmation. :)

SO, if you are a regular reader and would like to make yourself un-anonymous, click "follow" on the right hand side. I promise I'll do a jig when I see your little face show up on the screen. :)

OR, if you're not all about that, but still want to know when the blog is updated, you can add your email to the "Follow by email" section. I don't have a way of seeing who does this, so you're still anonymous :), but you'll receive an email whenever there's a new post.

Have a great rest of the week!!


  1. Heather, you are just too darn cute!!! I am your newest follower. Are you doing a jig yet? :) And BTW thanks for following my blog. I checked out the "Our Home" page. Oh my you guys did some amazing work on that house. I enjoyed seeing the new house.

  2. I too do the jig about followers (not that I have many yet) and get very excited about comments. Clicked from Creating My Way To Success, now your newest follower!

  3. You are already up to 35!? Dang girl! It took me so long to get over 20! haha

    And I love your button! I think it's about time I get one for my blog!

  4. Cute Blog! I loved it so much I decided to follow! Happy Saturday!! I would love for you to stop by and check out my blog as well! If you like it you can follow back! Thanks! Hope to blog with you again soon!

  5. Hi! I am a new follower thru GFC. I came by way of the blog hops and scrolled down and saw all the pics. I love the ocean and have not seen it in several years. I love Charleston. Went there with 2 friends back in 1998 and had a blast. I would love a follow back when you have a free moment. I know this weekend will be busy with the holiday so take your time. We will all be here. Enjoy being off and spend time with your family. Happy 4th of July!!

