
Friday, June 24, 2011


Any time we go out of town or on vacation, I feel this overwhelming urge to get the house really clean. Which, is not unlike most other days, except that it gets a little extreme if I know we're going to be gone for more than a few days. For example, as I was vacuuming today, I found myself using the hose of the vacuum to clean the dust off of the vacuum. WOW. In the words of Kate Winslet from The Holiday, "Low moment. LOW moment."

So after a good vacuuming, mopping, dusting, and wiping, I moved to the front of the house to paint the steps. Why? Because we started this project on one of our first yard days and "trimmed" the steps, if you will, but never actually finished the top. And all along I've felt like they look dirty. So what better time to "clean" them than the day before we leave for a week's vacation?!



Much better, don't you think?! ...and look how full my Clemson plant is!

And then, since the paint can was opened and the brush already dirty, I moved to the back of the house to a view that has been bugging me since we moved in. It just needed a fresh look. Sooo, I got to work.




 Yay! So much better!

Next up, repainting the door and trim. I'll have to tackle that after we get back. I'm thinking black door and white trim, but I'm open to suggestions.

Tomorrow we leave for Charleston with Matt's parents! His sister and brother-in-law are going to join us later in the week. 

I'll leave you with a picture from 2003 when we went on our very first trip to Charleston with Matt's parents during high school spring break.

 I'm wearing his basketball sweatshirt because it was oddly cold all week, and probably because I thought it was cool- such fun memories. :)


  1. That looks really nice!! We painted out old concrete porch at our apartment when we were first married and it made a huge difference for us, too!

  2. I do the same thing and my husband thinks I'm crazy! I love having a clean home after a vacation. Such a great job on the paint - want to come do my house?!

  3. You did make a big difference. I left yesterday but only for three days. Didn't feel the need to paint just clean. Ha! I hope you have a relaxing vacation.


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  6. Very sweet blog!
    Thanks for hopping by! I'm happily returning the follow!
    Have a great week!

  7. Stopping by from "Creating my way to Success".
    The steps look great!!! I love to make things over with paint. A frugal way to bring a new look. Now I want to paint something.

  8. Thanks for stopping by Growing Up Gardner!

  9. Definitely much better!!!
    Thanks for visiting Little Lucy Lu! :-)
    I always love to meet new blogging friends who are ALSO teachers!!!
    Hope you're enjoying your summer vacation as much as I am! :-)
