
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Plant Annuals and Herb Garden- Check!

I picked the two cheapest things to cross off the to-do list, but still, it's progress! I get excited to show Matt what I've done when he gets home from work. Have I mentioned that I would really love being a stay-at-home wife?! 

So the annuals are planted and the herb "garden" in the back is complete for now. We're having to continually kill the ivy that keeps reappearing in the back (click here if you want to see the massive amounts of ivy that was pulled up in our backyard), so I can't plant anything in those areas until it's all dead and gone (now I'm singing the Justin Timberlake song).  So for now, the herb garden is very small and in an awkward place at the back of the driveway that gets the most sun. This area will eventually be part of the patio or deck (whatever we end up doing), but for now, it serves the purpose! 

Herb Garden
Basil: This was the original inspiration for the herb garden that Caitlyn brought over last week.



Strawberries: Not exactly an herb, but I thought Matt would be excited to have these, considering he eats the full Costco container in just a few days.


Before I move to the front yard, these are pictures of the encore azaleas we planted about a month ago. They're starting to bloom!

And now for the front yard. We planted these pink vinca a few weeks ago, but they needed to be spread out to help them grow fuller. So I separated them and moved them behind the mums, and planted two light-pink vinca in their place. They look a little sad from the move, but hopefully they'll perk up and grow fuller soon!


Lastly, I'm a sucker for the .99 cent flowers at Home Depot. These red salvia were only .99 cents this week! So now we have a little extra welcoming by the front door. :)

In other news, I'm counting down the hours until I leave for Charleston tomorrow morning. One of my best friends is having her first baby and I cannot WAIT to see her and meet her sweet new baby girl! Emerson, you better wait til I get up there to come! Here's a picture of me and Meagan from Mexico a couple years ago, and then one of her and her husband, Chris. Yes, their babies are all going to be gorgeous, it's pretty much a given. :)

Lots of pictures from the weekend to come... :)

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