
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

This is how I nest

Because of my type-A (the word crazy could also work here) nature, I have a feeling this post is going to read more like one long confession. But I'm 31 years in to this kind of crazy, so I don't see it changing any time soon.

So here goes...
This is how I nest:

In the past two weeks, we decided we would probably start to feel tight in our house once Baby Girl arrives and strongly considered moving. Like we almost put an offer on a house.

Then we came to our senses and Matt came up with a genius plan to have our TV mounted and store our huge entertainment center to create more play space and seating in our living room. #waycheaperthanmoving #andwaymorerational #Iamdueinlessthan3weeksletsremember

So our TV and speakers were mounted yesterday and my parents are coming today with their truck to help clear out furniture and rearrange the room. I hear angels sing when I picture the extra space we're going to have so soon!

I have cleaned out every cabinet and drawer in our kitchen, reorganized our spice cabinet, cleaned out closets and drawers around the house, and have taken more trips to Goodwill this month than some people have taken to the bathroom.

Tally is going in for a bath and hair cut and teeth cleaning today because it feels like I need to do something to get him ready for her arrival. And hovering over his 75lb body in our tub with my 30lb belly gives me an image that's worth paying someone else to do the job for me.

Baby Girl's clothes and swaddles and pjs are washed and folded in her drawers, and her closet is ready and organized with her little clothes-size dividers, shoes and little hamper. I have a handful of tiny things left to complete before I take pictures and share them on here!

During Ryan's nap yesterday, I got out the infant car seat, washed the inserts, installed the base into my car, and reinstalled Ryan's so that both were tight and right next to each other like I had planned/pictured it in my head. Ryan is in the middle now and that's where I wanted to keep him- however, when I went to click Baby Girl's carrier into the base, it wouldn't click in because Ryan's seat is the tiniest bit too wide. Insert me trying not to cry and telling myself that this is actually not that big of a deal and then arguing with myself about whether it was in fact a big deal or not.

This bothered me A. because I like being able to easily see Ryan's cute face in my rearview mirror when we're talking in the car and reach him easily if he needs anything from me and B. because Tally (first born, 4-legged child) has a hard enough time fitting in the back seat with one car seat, let alone squeezing between two.

So what was the outcome you ask? 

Me deciding that the most logical plan was to search for a new car that has captains seats in the middle- space for Tally to lay in between the two kids when he's in the car with us and easy access to the back seats for future kids or passengers.

And it's worth noting that my logic involved the thought, "I mean we were going to move... this is really a minimal change compared to that."

What I love is that Matt didn't even bat an eye when I told him I was looking at cars. He amuses my nesting-overboard self and let's me do my thing (not sure what my thing is exactly, but it's definitely there. and it's a special kind of crazy.) I guess he figures it will run it's course or he'll help reign me in when I'm about to go completely off the deep end. Or maybe he's just hoping Baby Girl will get here before that point.

Annnywayyy, if you've made it this far, thanks for "listening" ;)

She will be here so soon! And then maybe I'll ease back into my normal type-A-ness that involves more practical applications like wiped counters and labels that face forward in the fridge.

I'll be back Friday with Elizabeth to share our Favorite Finds for the month!

And if you missed my Favorite Finds: Maternity Edition last week, you can check that out here.


1 comment:

  1. You are such a cute little nester ;) I must say though although still slightly crazy, a car is a much better impulse nesting purchase than a new house to move 3 people(including a toddler & a very pregnant mommy) & a Tally into. Can't wait to read more possibly on your car searching & to see the possible new addition should it come to that. Oh, and also can't wait to see the little lady when she finally arrives!!
