
Monday, November 30, 2015

November's Favorite Finds

We got our tree! It's the best tree we've ever had and it was the first one we saw. Quick and easy! Ryan had way more fun than this picture shows. ;) 

And speaking of Ryan, his little outfit is another favorite for this month
I bought his shoes on Amazon when they were $12.50! The prices on Amazon change daily, so it's worth checking on occasion!

Our family pictures have been so much fun to look back over this week as I finalized and ordered our Christmas cards. And in case you haven't ordered yours yet, Shutterfly is running a great Cyber Monday sale!
Shutterfly Free Stuff

How cute are the Publix Santa and Mrs. Claus salt & pepper shakers?!
They are $5.99 and so stinkin' cute!

You guys. If you drink Starbucks at all during the Christmas Season, I'm sure you have tried the Peppermint Mocha, but let me tell you what you really need to try- the Peppermint WHITE Mocha. Good gracious. You will thank me.

I read this book this month and LOVED it! It was so, so good. I felt so attached to all of the characters when I finished it. Trust me, if I was wanting to read at the end of each day this month, with Ryan's many sleepless nights and early mornings as he was fighting off his cold, than the book was definitely a good one! You can check it out here.


My next Favorite Find is friends who help you avoid taking your baby to the ER. 

We had an interested night last night, to say the least.

Not too long after I shared this picture on Instagram, the three of us starting decorating the tree with ornaments and wouldn't you know the FIRST ornament Ryan picked up somehow- in a matter of seconds- hit the table, broke, and cute the tip of his finger.  

He was such a trooper but we couldn't get the bleeding to stop without direct pressure because of the location of the cut on the tip of the finger. Everything I was reading said to take him to the ER if bleeding didn't stop after 10 minutes but the thought of that sounded so traumatizing for our little man and I really couldn't see them using stitches on the cut. Not to mention the fact that he's finally (somebody knock on wood quick) back to himself health wise, and I did not for a second want to expose him to the ER at night if we didn't absolutely have to.

SO, insert the greatest on-call nurse who ever existed- my college roommate Meagan- who walked me through what they would most-likely do in the ER and told me everything to buy from the Walgreens up the street from our house.

So off to Walgreens we went. Thank goodness for Matt who explored the store with Ryan while I found everything on our list and made our game plan for when we returned back home.

This buddy :) 

He and Matt played with cars and multi-colored nail files (who knew nail files could be so entertaining?!) and even made a video of them dancing to Michael Jackson while they played.

We were able to stop the bleeding with a tight bandaid in the meantime, and roaming the store was the perfect distraction for this little guy.

All bandaged up and enjoying some much-deserved milk and Daniel Tiger. ;)

We all prayed for his little finger together before bed and the sweet boo was asking for his crib soon after he said "aaaa-MEN!"

Praying that his little finger heals quickly!

That's it for this month! Be sure to check out Elizabeth's list later today!

Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving and have a wonderful week ahead!



  1. Poor little buddy!!!! But, YAY for helpful friends! One of my best friends is a pediatric PA and the other is a women's health nurse practitioner; so, needless to say, I hit them up for free medical advice ALL the time!!! :) Love your Christmas tree, photos, etc. too!! :)

    1. Haha oh yes- friends with medial knowledge are life savers to us mamas! And thanks!!

  2. Awww, praying his finger heals soon!

    1. Thank you!! It's already looking so much better!
