
Monday, September 14, 2015

Thank you, a note for people experiencing infertility, and a little weekend fun

First I want to thank you guys for your sweet reactions on here, instagram, and FB when we made our little announcement on Friday!

We are so excited for what's ahead and can't wait for February to arrive. :)

That being said, I remember so clearly our days of trying to start a family and experiencing the heartache of miscarriage. I know some of you are in that place right now, and personally know some of you who still managed to comment in excitement over our news. My heart breaks for those of you who are experiencing that heartache that is unlike any other and wanted to share a few things that helped me in that season:

1. Believing that God's heart was breaking with ours and trusting that His plan for our lives was perfect, even in the midst of our hurting.
2. Praying for peace, constantly, and trusting that God would bring us to that point and give us direction for our future family, whether that meant biological kids or adoption.
3. Reaching out to other moms who experienced miscarriage and had reached the other side. For me, reading posts or talking with moms who were past the heartache was better than commiserating with those who were in the middle of the hurting.
4. Believing, even when it was hard, that that period in our lives was a small part of our whole story, even though it felt so HUGE at the time.
5. Lastly, allowing myself to grieve, in whatever way that looked for me- somedays pretending like it didn't happen and going on with my normal life, and other days crying out and feeling angry about the part of our story we were living out at the time... all the while knowing that God as our Father was understanding our hurt and working on our hearts in the midst of our hurting.

So many of those days are a blur, and ones that I hope to never experience again, but am strangely thankful for the growth we experienced in the midst of them.

If you are in the middle of this season in your life, I am so sorry for the hurt you are experiencing and would love to pray for you. Please feel free to reach out and let me know your name. You can email me at Getting to connect with other people through this space is one of the main reasons why I blog, so please don't hesitate to reach out.


Yesterday, Matt's family got together at his sister's house and had so much fun playing in their new backyard! They had a lot of work done to make it a great play & hang area, and it looks amazing! It's hard to believe you're in the middle of the city when you're in their spacious, green backyard. Not to mention the weather was perfect and felt like we were in the middle of Fall. Here are some pictures from our time together!

Jackson- the master fire builder ;)
And Ryan trying to be like Jackson :)
I was going to let Ryan have a taste of my s'more when he grabbed the whole thing and dove in
Sweet Riley and Papa!
still working on that s'more... it wasn't exactly the plan to have him eat an entire one, ha. And when he finished, he asked for more. ...that would be a no, but we're so glad you loved your first s'more experience buddy. ;)
bounce, bounce, bounce! or "bah, bah, BAH!" in Ryan's words :)
Ryan getting air in the background while Riley poses like the sweet love she is. ...boy cousin, girl cousin. ;)
"tackle" football! :)
Us Nelsens love a good dance party...

Big buddy Jackson walking up the stairs... and a great view of their awesome backyard!


1 comment:

  1. I needed this post more than words can explain. So very happy for you and your sweet family. His time is always better than any time we could have tried and planned for. Praying for a healthy, exciting pregnancy sweet friend.
