
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

September's Mid-Month Confessions

I'm so glad you've stopped by to see what embarrassing moments I have to share this month. ;)

If you are a blogger, Elizabeth and I would love for you to jot down some of your own confessions and share your blog post in the link-up below! They can be serious, funny, embarrassing, or downright ridiculous... whatever confessions you need to get off your chest or laugh about, this is the place to let them out.

And don't forget to check out Elizabeth's confessions here!

1. First, I feel like I should say I'm sorry because I have been super inconsistent with blogging lately. And no, I don't assume you all wake up refreshing this page to see if a new post has been written... but I know when you get to reading someone's blog, it's annoying when they don't post. 

2. I'm totally using the excuse of being pregnant for my first confession because that first trimester exhaustion that technically should have ended 6 weeks ago, went at least a month longer for this here mama and mama-of-two-to-be.

3. When I say exhaustion, I mean I was following my 12 months old's sleep schedule some days.... down for a nap at 9:00 (and barely making it to that point some days), down for a second nap at 1:00, and passed out sound asleep in the 9's in the evening. Working mamas, you are amazing. I'm fairly certain I would have fallen asleep on my desk on those days.

4. Elizabeth recently polled her readers and asked them to give honest feedback about her blog. And they did. And while I love the idea of hearing y'alls thoughts and feedback, I think I'm actually way too chicken to read what you might say.

5. When Matt and I talk through girl names, we have on more than one occasions found ourselves saying, "Are we cool enough for that name?"

6. Last week, we had friends over for dinner, and after we said goodbye and shut the door behind them, we looked at each other and both said, "Wheel?" This was an abbreviation for Wheel of Fortune... as in, "Wanna watch one of the 'Wheels' we have recorded?" ...let's let this be reference for confession #5... unless of course you didn't need a reference because it just made sense when you read it (i.e. you know us in real life or have been around here long enough)

7. Even though I'm not showing a ton yet, my belly button already sticks out. So much so that the other day, Ryan lifted up my shirt and tried to nurse on it. He looked equally perplexed and ecstatic that there was suddenly a third option.

And since y'all all know that I'm pregnant now, I thought it might be fun to flashback to some horrific comments from random people when I was pregnant the first time... because who doesn't love reliving those?! You can check out that amazingness here.

And now it's time for you to link up your own confessions! Can't wait to read what you guys have to share!



  1. These are great - especially #6 and #7! Hope you are feeling better now, but soak up those naps as LONG as you can!!! P.S. Now I'm super intrigued to know what girl names you are considering!!

  2. you still get two naps!! waaaah! i am a half stay-at-home, half working mom, and i am terrified for when i get pregnant with #2. i had terrible exhaustion with my daughter, and she is a tornado at 13 months now, with only one shortish nap, so i feel like i will be a zombie for a while haha. you are looking and doing good mama, i am so excited for you!

    1. Oh no! I feel for you with that one shortish nap! I will say Ryan doesn't always take two, but I was so thankful he did during those crazy tired days! Here's to hoping for longer naps when you guys do decide to go for a second!

  3. #6 and #7 cracked me up!! Have you ever entered to be a contestant on Wheel of Fortune? If not, you should! I applied randomly when I was in college and was shocked when I actually got on! Seriously such a fun and surreal experience! :)
