
Monday, June 8, 2015

#nelsendays2015 weeks 21&22

We're a few weeks into summer and have taken two family trips already. There is a large part of me that would love for the vacationing to continue, but then again there is something nice about being home and in our regular routine- particularly the part that involves Ryan napping well and sleeping soundly at night. ;) 

Here's a recap of our last two weeks!

Day 141:
Matt and I finished off our date night with a Barnes & Noble run- one of our favorite places to go after dinner. Matt browses the business books and I sip my Starbucks and usually look at parenting books, but this night I paused at the young adults section and was flooded with bittersweet memories of my teaching days spent reading aloud a number of these books to my kids. I wouldn't trade the opportunity to be at home for anything, but I sure do miss those read-aloud and reading group days.

Day 142:
Lunch date with Nonna and Daddy- love this lemon-eating buddy so. :)

Day 143:
Getting in some morning snuggle time with Tal before we left for the beach! I think poor Tal thought he was coming until we drove off without him. Our next little trip will be with all four of us. ;)

Day 144:
Pool time with daddy in St. George Island!
More pictures from our trip here.

Day 145:
Each morning during Ryan's nap, Matt and I would sit on the front porch and talk while we watched the ocean waves. It was like a built-in date with a gorgeous view every morning.

Day 146:
Because the best part about a private pool is the fact that you can do cannon balls without disturbing anyone else- right?! 

Day 147:
These two buddies had a blast feeding the birds and playing in the sand. We tried to teach Ryan how to say "Jackson"... we broke it down, said it slowly, let him watch our lips with his furrowed, concentrated brow, and when it was his turn to try, he got his little mouth ready, moved his lips a little until it felt right, and out came a loud, "BAAAA." So much effort for such an amazing miss, but all week long he called him "BAA" so I think in his mind he was spot on. ;) 

Day 148:
These two. Love them so.

Day 149:
What's a trip to the beach without fried shrimp, hush puppies, and putt-putt?!

Day 150:
Our last early morning walk on the beach before heading home. One thing about our little man, he sure does help us maximize our vacation days! ;)

Day 151:
We took Tally and Ryan to a dog park the Sunday after we got home and it was a toss-up as to who had more fun. This is Ryan mid-flap and mid-"dah, dah, dah, dah" (his word for "dog").

Day 152:
Picking out stone for the next house project!

Day 153:
And the house project begins with an early morning field trip in our back yard. Both boys were entranced by the fork lift. ;)

Day 154:
Park day with some of our favorites! The big kids got to go on the slides while the little kids (and Tally) watched. 


1 comment:

  1. I love that Tally is just like a child to I'm the same exact way! And I hope that when we have a baby our fur baby Jake loves him and he/she loves Jake as much as Tally & Ryan! :)
    I love a Barnes & Noble date relaxing, I could wander around for hours :)
