
Thursday, June 26, 2014

#nelsendays2014 week 25

Day 169: Toodlin' around town with my stepdad after a visit to the pool- I think it's safe to say we're all loving that he's retired! :)

Day 170: Lunch with Heidi at my favorite Souper Jenny- this sweet girl is the master seamstress behind all of Baby Nelsen's nursery bedding! Can't wait to share the finished product with you guys!

Day 171: Doing what we love on a Friday evening- perfect way to start the weekend :)

Day 172: Saturday night in- doing a whole lot of this: relaxing, reading, eating-in and watching TV. I love a good do-nothing Saturday night.

Day 173: Matt and I are still getting used to not having anything to do after church now that we've taken a break from teaching our 2nd grade class and no longer meet with our small group in the afternoon. Leaving church at at 10:15 instead of 2:00 is a quite a change! So last Sunday we swung by the house to pick up Tally and headed over to the Barnes and Noble and Starbucks for some early afternoon reading and coffee. It was kinda nice having so much time in our day!

Day 174: On Monday, we had plans to bring a meal to friends who recently had their first baby. I decided to go out on a limb and try something new. I made half for us and half for them... and can I say it was GOOD?! I'm calling it Six Cheese Chicken Florentine Pasta. I'll share the recipe next week!

Day 175: Packing for the hospital and beginning with a few necessities. ;) To see what else is in our bags, click here.

To enter the Pretty Mommies skin care giveaway valued at $119, click here!



  1. I love the photo a day posts. A great little glimpse into your lives!
