
Friday, August 30, 2013

Puppy Photoshoot + a WINNER!

Somehow this post got lost in the shuffle, but the pics are too cute not to share! Back in June, we got together with some friends the afternoon of our 10 year high school reunion. We brought Tally along, and our other friends brought their dog so that the two could meet. Tally was such a little thing! He's growing so fast! Here are the pictures from the afternoon:

photo shoot:

Their "serious" pose- ha!

This was back when he liked to take his naps in his crate- such a accommodating puppy parents we were- okay still are.

He's so big now! But still pretty cute. ;)

And the winner of the Baublebar giveaway is:
Lynn B.!

Congratulations, Lynn! 
Email me your shipping address at so I can send you your necklace!

Today is the LAST day to receive 20% Tricia Nae Designs when you enter NELSEN20 at checkout.

You can read all about our new blog design and Tricia's awesome work here.

Happy Labor Day Weekend!


  1. Awww that doggy photo shoot was so cute!! :) Two neighbors each got golden retriever puppies and they are to die for! have a great holiday weekend!

  2. ohmygoodness!! ohmygoodness!!
    i wish that we could go on a lunch date with tally and piper!! :)
    such beautiful photos *and pups*
