
Saturday, July 28, 2012


Last weekend, Matt and I drove down to Orlando for some quality time with aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins. We wish we could have stayed for a week like we did for years through high school and college, but we made sure to cram as much as we could into two days!

Friday Night, Nanna and Grandpa took us to see Encore in Hollywood Studios. It was an incredible show made up of famous broadway songs set to a new script. We loved it!

Matt and Lynnea having some snuggle time. :) Lynnea was only 9 months old the first time we visited- crazy to see how fast time flies!

Frozen yogurt with Graham- love this guy! Graham was our first house guest last Easter. He'll be a junior at Ole Miss next year, which only reminds me of how old we're getting. Ugh!

Getting Lynnea ready for her piano recital. :)

Sweet girl made us welcoming signs for our late arrival Thursday night. ;)

After a wedding, Abby came to join in on the fun!

Beautiful Girls!


McKenna and Cody

Game night!

McKenna snapped some pictures with our camera...

She tried to catch me sharing a moment with Cody... haha, apparently I had just been right in his face talking to him- we wanted to take him home with us! I think we're switching our loyalty from a golden retriever to a shelty. One day?! :)

See? So cute!

We missed you, Alana!!

And just for old-times' sake:
Seems like only yesterday!


  1. i love the photo collage of the old pics. they are always so much fun to look at!!
    you are always spending so much time with the loves in your life - i love it!!
    and i LOVE your blue/green/yellow dress. super cute! <3
    happy august, heather.
