
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Farmhouse in the City- Natalie's 2nd Birthday Party

This past weekend, we celebrated Natalie's birthday with family and friends at a cute place by our house called Farmhouse in the City.

The kids painted, played, dressed up, held some farm animals, went on a candy treasure hunt, and ate pizza and cookie cake- basically a small dream world for our little 2 year old!

She had the best time and was totally in the zone from the minute she walked inside. I have a feeling 2 is going to be such a fun year with her!

Straight for the babies

Straight for the dinosaurs

Hand painting!

Sweet love holding her hand out while holding her baby

Showing Mimi and Papa her hand

And showing Papa her plates (probably trying to see if he could sneak her some food early, hah)

A girl pouring tea in her tutu

We got her cake from Ali's Cookies and boy was it GOOD!

Sweet Luke :)

Tutu- check
Crown- check
Shopping chart- check
Baby dolls and bottles- check

Ryan found a light saber that I'm pretty sure will be on his birthday wish list for July ;)

Feeding the chickens

Holding the bunnies
Sweet love

Emily, Emily's hair, and Aunt KK! :)

Right after this photo, Natalie spotted the ducks (she loves ducks), and walked over to it...

But this duck was having no part of a 2 year old girl walking his way, she he starting quacking louding and running toward her and she got the cutest scared look on her face as she ran away, and then starting laughing and mimicking the duck when she was in the clear. Ha!

"Bye bye duck"

Sweet loves

Let the painting begin!

Natalie and Luke sat next to each other and kept painting each other's ceramics. They are so cute together.
All of these toddlers sitting and painting quietly at the same time was impressive. But knowing we weren't the ones cleaning it up might have been my favorite part. ;)

"keeeeys" (cheese)

Riley Roo in an Elsa costume!

Our big buddy looking so big!


Sweet Noah sneaking some snuggles with Emily

One of my favorite moments was when Natalie reached for a big hung of chocolate 0.5 seconds after the candles were blown out. She really might have thought the the entire cake was hers to enjoy.

We love that little sweets-loving girl!

Natalie was the only one who stood in her chair to eat. She's still so low to the ground for her age and I love when she stands to eat her food. She does this at our kitchen table too!

Everybody loves Aunt Dre!!!

The candy fairy came while the kids were eating!

What a fun weekend celebrating our girl!

Next up we'll be celebrating Emily turning ONE in June! But if Ryan heard that he'd quickly correct us that first we get to celebrate Tally turning 5 in April. ;)

Hope you guys are enjoying some Spring-like weather like we are!
I have so missed blogging on a regular basis and (dare I type this?!) feel like I'm starting to find some consistency in my morning hours again. I've been doing a lot of thinking during this time "off" and have some ideas in the works about what I want to do with this blog next and some new adventures I want to begin when the season presents itself. For now, I'll be the thankful for the time I do have and the season we're in- because these kids keep getting more and more fun.

I'll be back in a few days to write Emily's 8 month post! See you then.


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