
Thursday, May 4, 2017

First Family Swim of Summer + Life Lately

Matt came home early yesterday and all four of us + Tally headed down to the pool for our first swim of summer. I have a feeling last night will be on repeat all summer long, with one extra Little Bit joining in on the fun (or sleeping in the nap nanny nearby) come June!

Matt taking the first plunge!

And Ryan deciding to follow close behind!

I was pleasantly surprised by how much Sweet Natalie enjoyed watching from the little entry area. She and I hung here and played while the boys swam. I thought for sure she'd want to dive right in but maybe she's like me and wants the water to be a little warmer first. ;) Either way, I loved hanging with her and splashing around with the pool toys!

After swimming, Matt and Ryan drove to pick up pizza while I put Natalie down, and then the 3 of us ate on the pool chairs at Ryan's request :)

Big buddy. After our pizza, Ryan and I went upstairs to surprise Matt with the new popsicle flavor we made- Orange, Strawberry, Banana Juice Popiscles- and we ate those down in the chairs as well. 

It was such a fun night that I can't wait to repeat all summer long!

In other life lately happenings:

Baby girl's room is coming together! The rocking chair came yesterday and I'm waiting on a few other little decorations for her room to make it complete and then will do a little reveal on here!

Sweet love. Natalie has decided she doesn't like facing me or being strapped in at Target and was repeatedly figuring out how to turn around and stand up with the buckle tightened (yikes!), so I moved her to the back part of the cart while I attempted to grab a couple of things before heading home. Within a minute or two of sticking her in the back part, she found the nail polish I had grabbed and chucked it over the ledge in aisle 10. I snapped a picture to send to Matt and in the live playback you can hear her saying, "Uh-oh!" at the same time I'm saying, "Oh my gooooosh." Bless those Target workers who were SO nice when we told them! I felt terrible. And Ryan (aka Little Me), was saying, "Oh Nonni. It's okay, it was a accident." Bless.

Speaking of the little stinker that we all adore, she got a mid-day sink bath after asking Ryan (pointing and then flapping her arms and legs excitedly when Ryan got what she was asking for right) for a sip of his smoothie and then sharing it with the kitchen floors. ;)

Watching Daddy at Saturday morning tennis!
Little Miss used the coolers to make her way to the munchkins. That little face and those legs! She is so funny.

Later that day, Matt and I went on a date and our sweet neighbor (who I used to babysit!) watched Ryan and Natalie. Matt and I totally forgot to take a picture while we were out, but Kailey sent us these two cute ones of her with the kiddos!

By the way, Ryan is crazy about Miss Kailey and is convinced that his next baby sister will be named Kailey. Sweet love. 

We have another spaghetti fan in our house!

Earlier this week, I took the kids to the Woodstock Outlets to pick up some clothes for Matt for our beach trip (and the next 10 years since that's how he shops- ha!), and after we stocked up on some clothes, we ate our lunch at the little tables there and then played at the play place before hitting up the ice cream shop and heading home for naps. It was our first time at the new-ish outlets and we'll definitely be back!
During nap that day, I carved out a little time to sit by the pool and read- something I don't do often enough during nap time- and I have to say, it was pretty glorious! This month, in addition to reading this book, I'm trying to be more intentional about making time to BE. A little nap time relaxation is a great thing! 
And Tal enjoyed it too ;)

When the kids woke up, we came down to play with the water table- which Natalie LOVED! It was the first time she had ever used it. Ryan loved it at her age and still had fun playing with it. While they played, I gave Tally a bath and then we all splashed around some more before heading up for dinner and baths.

Tomorrow I'm planning to share some Friday Favorites which I haven't done in a while! And then next week, I'll be taking the week off from blogging and soaking up some sweet time at the beach with Matt and our kiddos and the rest of Matt's family. It will be our last vacation before Baby Girl arrives and we cannot WAIT!



  1. Oliver just got that same water table from Bob & Amy Wamsley for his birthday! :)

  2. So sweet! We love that water table!

  3. I love the photo of Natalie climbing after the food! And I'm also jealous that it's warm enough to use the pool, but we're moving back to GA in a month so I don't have to be jealous long!
