
Thursday, February 23, 2017

Natalie Grace- 12 Month Photo Shoot

Two days ago, our sweet ONE year old (it's still hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that she's one!) woke up from her nap right as Nonna was getting to our house. Ryan was still asleep, so I quickly dressed Natalie in a dress that I wore as a baby and outside we went for some quick pictures to document the 12 months that this sweet girl has been a part of our family.

Let me just say everybody needs a Nonna for their baby pictures. I literally snapped pictures for 3 minutes on our deck and 3 minutes by the flowers in our backyard (Nonna's idea) and we called it a wrap. Gotta love a happy girl who loves smiling for her Nonna... and an action setting on my camera that captures her blur without the blur. ;)

We can't wait to celebrate this sweet angel's first 12 months of life this weekend!
