
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Workin' It Wednesday: Managing Life & Goals

Well first of all, I have to start by saying that Monday night was kind of a big deal in our house. My Clemson Tigers won the National Championship IN THE LAST SECOND of the game, and I am still on cloud nine celebrating the victory.

Ryan and I took a special trip to Dunkin Donuts to celebrate yesterday morning because donuts felt like an appropriate breakfast the morning after your team beats Alabama and becomes #1. And donuts and orange make us happy. :)

Today, I am linking up with Mix & Match Mama and a Little Bit of Everything to share my New Year's Goals. 

At the beginning of each month, I share my goals for the month, but I've been thinking about broad goals for the year as well, and I have two simple words and goals for 2017 that I want to share today.

As we announced recently, 2017 is gonna get crazier in our house in the best way!

And as much as I LOVE being productive, accomplishing goals, having an organized house, preparing tasty meals, exercising during nap, and trying my hardest to stay awake after the kids go down to have some quality time with Matt, I want 2017 to be a year marked by GRACE and PRESENCE.
More than DOING, in 2017, I want to BE. I want to soak in the days of (almost) 3 itty bitties at home. When Ryan asks for us to drink our milk and coffee on the couch and watch a show while Natalie's napping, I want to drink my coffee and sit on the couch and watch a show with him, despite that fact that a show feels like the perfect break to get things done.

When Matt suggests watching a movie after the kids go down and I'm thinking about the laundry I could fold or the clothes I could steam while the movie is on, I want to sit with him and watch the movie and just sit with him and watch the movie.

Ryan will be starting preschool in September (3 months after our next baby arrives), so for 3 days a week, another adult will be teaching him and influencing him and making memories with him. These next 6 months are my undivided time with him. And when he is gone for those 12 hours each week, that time at home with just Natalie and our newborn is sweet time for me to be intentional with her while the new baby sleeps (that's how I'm hoping it plays out anyway- hah!).

So 2017 feels like an extra important year for being PRESENT.

Which is why it is going to be a big year for giving myself GRACE.

As I mentioned at the top of this post, I am a DOer. I feel energized when I am checking things off of a list. And boy do I love a good list.

But let's be real. I have no idea what my routines will look like come June, and how long it will take to even feel like there is a routine. I will most likely get behind on sleep, exercising, laundry, cleaning, and dinners will involve the crock pot and take-out more for a stretch, so making up recipes (one of my favorite things) will move to the back burner (you like that pun?!) for a little while.

And the best part is, I really am ready for it. I am going into this year prepared and excited for the craziness that God has blessed us with. Three babies in three years for two parents who wondered for stretch if our future family would ever be made up of biological children. God is pretty amazing isn't He?

So 2017, I am claiming PRESENCE and GRACE over you! I will pray daily to BE more than DO and to BREATHE when I feel guilt over something as silly as an overflowing laundry basket.

Thanks Shay and Erika for helping me be intentional with my thoughts for 2017! Don't forget to check out their goal posts from today here and here

And if you're new to this space, you can keep up with us here:

Happy Wednesday, friends!


  1. Found your blog through the link up and have enjoyed browsing through your posts! My kids are older now, but are 19 months apart and I LOVE having them close in age. The little years are so precious and honestly I miss them. Not to be one of those annoying older moms, but enjoy those babies because they grow up so fast!

  2. Such a good game!! Definitely calls for a donut celebration!

  3. Ahhh that was such a good game! Those aren't even my teams and I was on the edge of my seat. I definitely think a doughnut is the perfect way to celebrate that!
