
Monday, March 21, 2016

Natalie's Newborn Photos & Birth Announcement

Rather than hiring someone to come to our house for Natalie's newborn photos like we did with Ryan's, I decided I would try to take them myself.

So on her 8-day-old birthday, I put Ryan down for his nap, Googled "Best camera settings for newborn photography," found this blog post, changed my camera settings, and spent his nap time taking her photos.

I used this camera, this portrait lens, and the advice from this blog post to capture the photos below. They really turned out better than I was expecting!

I got a few of her in her coming-home outfit, but she started to wake up for her next meal before I could perfect the lighting to show the detail in her dress. My mom got her this sweet little outfit and I absolutely loved it!

And of course Tal jumped up to join the photo shoot as well. Sweet pup. :)

A few days later, I took some shots of Ryan with Natalie and attempted some family photos using the self timer on my camera and the help of Mimi to try to get Ryan to look toward the camera.

And that little photo shoot was one hot mess. Hah.

After we decided we got at least one shot, Matt said, "The best part about that is that it was free." hahah. 

So first, here some cute pictures of Ryan and Natalie, and the ONE we got of our family, and then some of the outtakes... 


(less booty and more baby, mama)

At least we got one!

I ordered the cards from here.



  1. Heather! She is just beautiful!!! And bravo with these pictures! You did an amazing job! Outtakes made me giggle too because they really show what being a family of four means! Lol

  2. I mean family of 5, sorry Tal ;)

  3. Awwww your pictures turned out so good!!! Who needs a professional?!?!

  4. Congratulations on your beautiful little girl. You did a great job!

  5. These are absolutely gorgeous!

  6. You did a great job! These are beautiful!

  7. Congratulations!!! Such sweet pictures! You have a beautiful family :)

    Edye //

  8. The pictures of Natalie are so good! You should be proud of yourself, had you not said you took them yourself I never would have known that you didn't go somewhere to have her pictures taken! Ryan & Natalie pictures are cute too, I love the one where he's leaning over her(perhaps giving a kiss?) and she's got an eyes wide open surprised sorta look on her face- super cute!
    Any how, cute pictures top to bottom & I don't know how I didn't manage to see this post until now!
