
Monday, January 11, 2016

This pregnancy

Do you know we're less than five weeks away from meeting our little girl, and when one of you said in the survey that you'd like to see more updates on this pregnancy, it dawned on me that I haven't taken a single picture of my belly or written down anything about how this pregnancy has been?!

So today's 10 of the Tenth (on the 11th) ;) is all about this pregnancy.

35 Weeks with Baby Girl
It's has FLOWN by! I have loved being pregnant in this season as opposed to a late summer due date. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the National Championship game tonight ;) (Go TIGERS!) have made the Fall and Winter go by so quickly.

With Ryan's pregnancy, I was so aware of every new "size" (grape, eggplant, etc.) he was in my belly. I took pictures every two weeks and wrote a few posts about his pregnancy. With this pregnancy, I love noticing her kicks and movements at night, but I don't think about all that's changing with her nearly as much during the day. I'm too busy keeping up with my little guy to think about it during the day I guess!

I've gained between 25-30lbs but am carrying so much smaller with her than I did with Ryan. Thank you Jesus for no "Are you having twins?" comments this go around. She's also mainly in my belly and thighs, whereas Ryan worked his way all the way down to my ankles. I must say, not having muffin tops hang over my shoes is a praise that does not go under-appreciated.

I exercised pretty consistently through most of this pregnancy and even picked up running with the Couch to 5k with Andrea, but when a cold and the holidays hit, I took a break at the six week training mark and never went back. Walking and pilates will be the extent of my exercising from now until she arrives.

I haven't had any real food cravings or aversions this time, but I have snacked less and eaten way less junk food this go around. Since I was still teaching when I was pregnant with Ryan,  I would enjoy whatever little treats my kids brought in and loved to swing through the Dunkin' Donuts that was right by my school. But Ryan and I don't really eat snacks so I've naturally eaten healthier this go around.

I've had lower back pain at night that is pretty painful at times, but it hasn't been a nightly occurrence so I'm thankful for that. I also have heartburn like I did with Ryan, so maybe she'll have a headful of hair too?!

I'm sleeping really well for the most part aside from occasional bathroom visits and middle of the night cramping- why do champs and charley horses happen more often when you're pregnant?!


I recently bought way too many clothes, bows and headbands from a friend because I just couldn't resist the cuteness of it all. I went to her house for a handful of dresses and matching Christmas pjs for her and Ryan and left her house with a bin full of girly goodness. Little girls are just too fun to shop for! Now to have someone help me with the matching/accessorizing... that is so not my strength.

Big brother prep- Ryan will point to the baby in my belly and will say her name when we ask him. He gets the biggest grin on his face when he says it and we just die. He loves his baby doll and seeing other babies. He also loves reading in her room and helping me get things ready in her room. Even though he'll only be 18 months when she arrives, he has the sweetest little temperament which will make him a great big brother we think. We can't wait to watch him with her!

Labor prep- I plan to go without medication again this time and will be re-reading The Birthing Parter in the upcoming weeks to prepare. I also plan to keep this one well under 24 hours, but I guess there's only so much I can control there. ;) It may seem crazy for me to want the no-medication route again this time after Ryan's labor, but y'all the bonding that Matt and I experienced through Ryan's labor and birth was unlike anything we'd experienced before. I honestly can't wait to go through it all again. But if God has a plan to cut the time by 3/4, I'm totally okay with that too- just saying.

We cannot wait to meet her and learn all about life with a girl and being a family of four!



  1. Adorable!!! I'm with you on the heartburn! It's SOO bad. Everyone is telling me the baby will have a full head of hair and I joke and say with the amount of heartburn I have he better have a hairy back! But seriously, I'm loving pregnancy and taking the heartburn one day at a time AND the Charlie horses!!

    1. Haha too funny! I will say Ryan did have a head full of hair! And they do kind of have hairy backs at first too, hahah! Once your babe gets here you'll forget all about the heartburn and Charlie horses! So glad your taking it one day at a time and soaking up the sweetness of this time!

  2. Beyond excited for you three! Having a second just multiplies all the love. SO WONDERFUL! And you look so good, mama! Five weeks is just around the corner!

    1. Thank you! Can't wait to experience it and see Ryan as a big brother!

  3. Love this little update. You look BEAUTIFUL! So excited for you! GO TIGERS!

  4. Yay! I am so excited you posted this. I must say you are a beautiful pregnant lady! Congratulations and I can't wait to find out how your birth goes! May these next weeks be gracious to you as you prepare.

    1. You are too sweet! Thank you for your encouraging words and well wishes!
