
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Christmas at Nonna & Papa's

Each year, my parents host Christmas at their house a couple of weeks before the actual day so that all of our growing families can celebrate together and not affect the traditions we've set with our individual families.

We always have a delicious meal, thanks to my sweet mama, and all of the cousins have a big time playing together and opening presents.

This year, Ryan jumped right in for all of the fun. It was like he grew an entire year older in one evening as we watched him hang with the big kids. He didn't understand everything they were playing, but he laughed hard when they laughed and followed them around wherever they moved. :)

In fact, he loved his night SO much, that he called out for me three times in the middle of the night at 2, 4, and 6 and when I went in to check on him, he started to reciting all of the names of the people he wanted to play with each time. I had to explain that it was night-night time and that everyone was asleep and that he wasn't missing anything. I even walked him around the house one time to show him it was dark and that everyone was asleep. Once he knew he wasn't missing anything, he would go back to sleep. Sweet buddy did not want to miss out on any fun!

Swinging in Papa's swing from when he was a baby

This dancing Santa is one of the things that had Ryan up in the middle of the night. ;) 
"Santa. Dantz."
He pulled in person after person to "dantz" with him and the Santa.
He loved it!

This view out the kitchen window while I helped mom prepare a few things for the meal- this is Matt, Noah, Maddox and Ryan playing football. Ryan thought he was so big running around with those big boys. :)

Ryan's face :)

The boys thought it was hilarious that when they asked Ryan where his nose was, he stuck his finger straight up his nose. They got lots of good laughs out of this. :)

The next morning, these two (in their unplanned coordinating pjs) held hands and danced in front of the dancing Santa. The sweetest!

Praying before breakfast :)

Our newest little addition! Sweet Henry just 3 weeks old.
And the crash that came just seconds after we got into the car to head home

Everyone looking at the camera- a Christmas miracle! ;)


1 comment:

  1. You have a beautiful family! So many littles! You all are very blessed! :)
