
Thursday, December 3, 2015

16 Months

This sweet buddy is 16 months old and turning into more and more of a big boy with each passing day.

He is becoming so independent and is quite the little helper. He loves to help us bring laundry and hangers to the laundry room, put Tally's toys back in his basket, and put things "bat" where they belong.

He loves to "run, run, run!" and "hop" and walk "back, back, back" (backwards) through the house. And he LOVES to dance.

He loves to "pess" buttons, especially on the blender (beh-beh) when he's making smoothies with Matt. He also loves to ask for "morrr" and talk about how daddy is at "worrrk," and says both words like I did when I was little.

"a-MEN!" is another favorite word, and if you're not efficient with your prayer before meal time, he will let you know with multiple "a-MEN!"s in the middle of your prayer to let you know he's ready to eat. :) He also says this word randomly, but somehow at the most fitting and hilarious times- like when I had just finished saying to Matt that I wished new cars didn't cost so much because a warranty sure would be nice. Or when I was talking to my sister on the phone about how our insurance is basically like hazard insurance and he, out of nowhere, shouted, "a-MEN!" right as I finished my sentence.

He started asking to go "poo-poo" on the potty this month (with no encouragement from us mind you... I am in no rush to get the potty-training thing going!), and never actually goes, but has made trying his nightly routine after bath. When he's ready to get out of the tub, he stands up and says, "poo poo," gets dried off, asks to sit on the potty for a few seconds, tells us he's all done, and then hops off and claps for himself before running through the house naked before bedtime.

One night he tooted while on the potty and let out a loud, "a-MEN!" right after. Matt and I died. Ahhhh, that boy is FUNNY!

He tried bubbles in the bath for the first time this month and he hasn't taken a bath without bubbles since. ;) Every night when we ask him if he's ready to take a bath, he says, "bub-bows!" and runs to the tub.

Speaking of "ready"... he loves that word all of sudden and repeated it quite loudly as he sat in his chair waiting for us to bring him dinner one night. "rea-DYY!" It cracked us up, although we tried not to show it because it sounded so demanding! Hah!

This month he started saying, "Mmmm Mmmm" when he's eating food he loves, and will sometimes tell you thank you for bringing him food without being asked to say it (sign it), which is just the sweetest.

He loves to say "bess" after you sneeze (or cough) and loves to laugh along with you or at himself after he does something funny. :)

He will copy what you say so you better be careful about those words that didn't seem like "bad" words until they come out of a 1 year old's mouth... especially when words like "shoot" sound a little different when he pronounces them.

This month he has become extra snuggly. He will lay his head on our shoulders, gives hugs and kisses, and likes for you to rub his back before he goes to sleep. 
It. is. the. best.

If anything hurts or if he falls, he will run right over to you making the kissing sound with his lips and holding up whatever part hurts. Then he will tell you it's "bet-ter" after you kiss it.

We are so, so thankful to have these four new molars and two canines IN and to be on the other side of a month of sickness and little sleep. Thankfully he is the best little medicine ("may-may") taker and was even so proud to show people how he sat for his inhaler twice/day.

He's had almost a week of good naps and long nights of uninterrupted sleep and it feels so good for all parties involved. ;)

And lastly, he has become extra aware of babies this month- real babies, baby dolls, and babies in books and on TV. God's preparing his little heart to become a big brother and it is the sweetest thing. Now we just have to work on not tossing the baby doll to Tally after he gives it a gentle rock and kiss. ;)

These two. They make my heart so happy.

Helping with yard work- he LOVES to watch Matt mow and rake and use the blower.

Always together :)

This poor tortoise found himself a new friend at the pet store this month.

"He-wo?" or sometimes just, "Whoa?"
He will make anything a phone- even the top to the Keurig while mom is making dinner.

My people in the backyard having a chat by the fire pit while Tally looks on. Seeing this view out the kitchen window while I make dinner makes me so happy.

I hope he always loves to cook and bake with me!


Sticking his "Ry Ry" and "one" letter to him belly during bath. The first time he did this, he thought is was so funny. :)

Playing with play-doh!

And learning that play-doh is not for eating:

This laugh and watching these two play makes my heart so happy!

My little holiday shopper and me :)

He found another new way to play with his favorite blocks- get inside them!

wearing his backpack
Slept straight through the diaper change after a long morning of playing at the park with friends

Sucking on his big toe and taking breaks to say, "a-MEN!" on our way home from the mall one day. Where does he come up with these things?!

Reading books with his Aunt Dre :)

Bath time with cousins!!

One big family sleepover :)

Santa round 1- poor guy :) ...all was great until he got up there

Relaxing by the fire pit in his pjs mid-afternoon. We had a lot of take-it-easy pj-days this month.

Driving with Nonna ;)

He figured out how to unplug his monitor one day after nap, so it has since been moved!

He also figured out how to get one arm out of his pjs and I thought it was too funny to fix. :)

Our second doctor visit within an hour after he developed hives on his face on the way home. We were so thankful for our pediatrician this month!!


Tally gets climbed on and sat on all day long- such a sweet pup!

Riley girl turns ONE!

On one of his tough sick days he fell asleep on the couch- poor buddy.

Picking out our tree!

Month 16 is bound to be a great one! I can't wait to see this buddy experience all the joys of the Christmas Season as we work our way through out 12 Days of Christmas Fun!



  1. What a sweet little boy! Happy 16 months little guy! My mom still has the baby doll she gave my brother to prepare for me!

  2. The photo of him and the doll is adorable! Baby girl will be here so soon!

  3. He is so cute! He is going to be such a sweet big brother. His speech is awesome! George is only saying a handful of words, and he will turn 16 months next week. I think dogs make good seats. George sits and bounces on our pups all day everyday .
