
Friday, November 6, 2015

Goals for November

Well hey there, friends.

I'm gonna be honest. This week has kicked my booty.

We're working through colds, teeth (so many teeth), rain, more rain, and oh so little sleep.

Two obvious signs that I am lacking sleep:

I spent 5 minutes yesterday deciding on which ice cream to buy at the grocery store. If you know me, you know that half of my grocery shopping is usually complete in those five minutes.

Yesterday, my nephew called my when I was in line at Starbucks to tell me something really exciting. Because I was about to order and needed to use my phone to pay, I told him I would call him back and could not WAIT to hear his news.

The second I hung up the phone, it was like I had never answered it. I completely forgot about the conversation, much less to call him back after getting my order. #majorauntfail

It wasn't until an hour or so later when I saw a text from my sister making sure everything was okay that I even recalled the conversation. I felt terrible!

So anyway, to say I could use a little sleep is probably an understatement.


Here's a quick recap of

1. Design our Christmas Card
Done! I'm excited about our card this year. I decided to wait for the post Thanksgiving sale that Shutterfly usually runs to actually order them, but it is ready to go!

2. Read Girl on The Train
I really enjoyed this book. I hadn't read a book like this in a while and thought it was a good change of pace from the other types of book I have read recently. If you like suspenseful books, you will definitely like this one!

3. Order Bedding and a Rug for the Nursery
I love the rug I found for Baby Girl's room! I took advantage of the Rugs USA 75% off sale and found one that I LOVE! You can check it out here (it's actually 70% off now!). The bedding is still a work in progress. I have a bumper from Pottery Barn Kids that I really love and am waiting for a fabric to come in at Hobby Lobby that I think will go perfectly with it. I just haven't been able to get the actual sample to make sure. Hopefully I'll be able to get it this month!

4. Put Crib Together
My parents were so great to help with this again! I loved having them help with Ryan's... something about sitting in his room and knowing that so many people loved him before he was born and spent time to make his little room just right for him... so having them there to help with hers too was great.
Papa and his helpers...

...the helpers were relocated shortly after their initial work was complete. ;)

Ryan had a grand time bounce, bounce, bouncing in it when it was done. 

5. Visit Ikea
We made a family trip to Ikea one Saturday and got some things for Baby Girl's room, and Ryan had the time of his life walking through the whole store. He passed out in less than a minute on the drive home. ;)

6. Start the Couch to 5k
My friend Andrea and I decided we would start the Couch to 5k program this month and we've both made it through almost 4 weeks! I have really liked it so far. This next month will be harder for sure as the running time increases (and my belly grows) ;) but I am thankful to have someone else to do it with! If you haven't heard of the program, you can check it out here.

And now for my...

1. Order Christmas Cards

2. Read Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
I have read two of Liane Moriarty's other books and really liked them, and this one has even better reviews than those, so I'm looking forward to reading it this month!

3. Baby Girl's room to-do list:
Hang window treatments
Get fabric for crib sheet, changing pad cover, and crib skirt
Find dust ruffle for bed
Get frames for above bed
Find letters to complete gallery wall

4. Paint Dining Room and Bathroom
Did you know that you're supposed to refresh paint ever 4-5 years? I didn't, but one look at some of our walls and you'll see we definitely fall into that time frame. Our bathroom and kitchen/dining area needs a refresher, so I plan to tackle that this month. I hate painting, but this feels more like cleaning, which I like (weird, I know).

5. Get Tal used to his new leash
Remember way back when I posted this picture on IG?
This was after Tally got really protective of Ryan and growled at a big stray dog who was approaching Ryan's stroller. I felt so thankful and proud of that pup.

And then he started to do it a little more frequently- like when he decide he didn't like the look of another dog who was walking by... with his owner... on a leash.

And now it's just straight up out of hand. Pretty much any size dog that walks in the direction of the stroller will have the fear of God put in him by this friendly-looking Golden of ours. It's so embarrassing.

So at the recommendation of Tal's daycare owner, we bought the Gentle Leader harness which is supposed to work miracles with this kind of behavior without inflicting pain. We tried it yesterday and it looked like this:
That would be the top of our driveway. Tally pretty said "I ain't goin nowhere in public with this thing on my face."

So I plan to take this month to figure out how to turn him into the dog on the video tutorial so that we can once again enjoy family walks at the park.

6. Grill something
Did I mentioned we've had rain? Yeah, that grill that we bought has not been turned on yet, so we're hoping to put it to good use before it's gets too cold to stand outside. If you've got a favorite grill recipe, send it my way!!

Oh and if you're not busy tomorrow at 3:30, there is a kind of huge game on. It's our house divided game- the Clemson vs. FSU game.

Oh, and we're #1, in case you didn't hear. ;)



  1. You actually have me looking at the couch to 5k. (Which is saying something! I've pretty much been out o of the fitness game for awhile a year...due to health issues.)

    I didn't know that about painting. We are still working on painting our house. We don't really see eye to eye on many of the color choices they made. ;)

  2. Going to Ikea in Pittsburgh, the closest one to us, pretty much wears me out- and I'm an adult, so I can imagine that newer walker Ryan would be pooped after a visit through the massiveness that is an Ikea store. If yours is anything like ours it could take almost an eternity to see everything you want to & then figure out how to get out. Seems like it's a one way in & only one way out, I amusingly like to call it a death rat maze. lol :)
    Once Tal gets used to the gentle leader it should work well. Had to get one for my dog back when I lived in CA at the recommendation(& almost plea/urging of the trainer at the doggy class we took then) he has a major pulling problem & thinks he is walking the people not the other way around. Otto doesn't like it either, but he's practically a different dog in the world with it on. Good luck!

  3. First Go Clemson! Our Tigers are just getting after it! Secondly, once you get used to the Gentle Leader you will never get another leash. They are the best! I can run two 75 lb dogs comfortably at the same time even when passing another dog, whereas with other leashes they are basically dragging me everywhere.
