
Monday, September 7, 2015

A little Saturday morning getaway to Serenbe

Saturday morning, the four of us (Tal counts as a member of the family, remember) drove out to a little town called Serenbe, about 45 minutes south of Atlanta. The idea was for Ryan to catch a morning snooze on the way there, but of course he was just too excited about our plans for the day to sleep. ;)

And then right as we pulled in and were looking for a spot to park, this was what we saw in the back seat. Sweet love.

We walked through the outdoor market and toured the cute little town.

Then found some trails to walk through off of this little bridge.

Our attempt at a picture of the four of us. Ryan looking at his daddy- I melt. :)

Tal was in his happy place when he found some water on one of the trails.

And then we spotted some free-roaming cows and all four of us stopped to take a look. We're city people, remember. Ryan had only seen cows in his books and this one was huge and really close to us ... and not even behind a fence!

You can't see in this picture but these three girls were selling "Free Lemonade" on their Saturday morning. Seriously everything about this little place was so quaint and "small-town." People road by on their bikes or in their golf carts and everybody who passed us stopped to smile and say hello. 

And then Ryan met his first horse. And he LOVED it.

Tally, on the other hand, went ballistic when he saw the massive animal (go figure since this animal was behind a fence and the cow was roaming free), so Matt had to take him to the other side of the barn while Ryan and I pet the horse.

We found out later that there is an area with lots of other farm animals and a petting zoo, but we had already moved on to a different part of the town and different want to take time to walk or drive back to that area. Maybe next time!

We stopped for a little picnic lunch under a gazebo in the "rock rock rock" chairs as Ryan likes to call them. And soon after we sat down, we got a little visitor...

...A ten year old card trick master, ha. He walked up, said hello, and asked if we would like to see a card trick. "Sure!" we said, not knowing he actually had a mini show he wanted to put on for us. He had practiced hard though and actually had some pretty cool tricks- all tricks he had learned from You Tube he told us, ha! ...I don't know why that was funny to us, but it was.

And this was Ryan's face the whole time. Such a patient little audience member. ;)

We asked the boy (who lived there) what he liked to do for fun and he told us there was LOTS to do:
He pointed to the in-ground trampoline behind our gazebo and then said,
"or you can play board games in your house, or video games after 6 if your parents let you"

haha, again, we thought this was hilarious.

Then Matt asked if everyone was pretty friendly around the town and the boy said,
"You could say that. In wouldn't be accurate, but you could say that."

Ha! This kid. 

After the card tricks (or card show we could call it), he rubbed Ryan's head and was on his way. Such an interested little guy.

We checked out the in-ground trampoline...

...and the trucks
And visited this little market where Ryan got to ride an old-fashioned tricycle before heading home.

This was our view a few minutes into our drive home. :)

Today, we have a few fun things planned, including celebrating sweet Maddox's 7th birthday at my sister's house later today. This weekend has been so full and fun- if only every weekend be three days long!

And in case you missed my post on Friday, Shutterfly is running a big 40% off sale this weekend (ends tomorrow 9/8) with promo code CELEBRATE40. I've been working hard on my September photo book goal and hope to get a couple ordered with the sale!

Also don't forget to join Elizabeth and me next Tuesday, September 15th for Mid-Month Confessions! If you need some ideas for your post, you can check out previous confessions posts here.

And speaking of Elizabeth, she has an awesome giveaway going on right now on her blog! It would be worth your time to check it out. :)

Happy Labor Day, friends!


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