
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Mid-Month Confessions Starts TODAY!

It's time! Our first Mid-Month Confessions blog hop has arrived. I have to say, my list grew rather long as the month progressed, and taking a moment to write down some of my ridiculous moments from these past few weeks at least gave me the opportunity to laugh at myself.
Confessions Banner
Elizabeth and I want this to be a fun place for us to "air out our dirty laundry" and be able to laugh with one another about our less than perfect moments. We want it to be a place to connect with other bloggers and put our non-highlight reel out there so that we can all feel a little bit better about ourselves. :)

You can read my list below, check out Elizabeth's on her blog, and we'd love for you to write your own post and link up at the bottom of either one of our posts! (Remember, you only have to add your entry once and it will show up on both blogs.) If you don't have a blog, you can share your confessions in the comment section below our posts and we'll reply below.

So here goes!

-I knew pregnancy brain was a real thing because I experienced it for 9 months. But mom brain takes things to a whole new level. There are times, too often to count, that I feel completely unintelligent when I speak. For instance, this week, I explained to Matt that our plumber showed me the most effective way to "plum" our drain in our shower in case we had any future issues with it clogging. I believe the word I was looking for was plunge.

-Also this week, I overflowed not one, but two water jugs onto our kitchen floor because I kept the water running and got side-tracked doing something else. And by this week, I mean it happened twice in the same day. Within the same hour.

-When I read E's intro post about me, I laughed out loud when she said I had a super stylish wardrobe. When I was teaching, I would pick out my clothes the night before so that Matt could tell me if they matched or not. That plan was devised after more than one instance of him really sweetly telling me at the end of the day that he wasn't sure if what I was wearing went together. In which case I would naturally say that I had worn the outfit all day and that it probably would have been better to know that before I spent eight hours in a school full of students, teachers, and parents. So yes, fashion is not my strength, but I'm working on it. ;)

-Sometimes (okay all the time) when I'm at home with Ryan and Tally during the day, I will talk to them and have them respond to me in different voices. Annnnd sometimes those voices say what a great mom I am and how it's so fun to hang out with me all day. ...It's probably safe to say words of affirmation is one of my love languages- although I tend to think I have an equal distribution of all five.)

-This week, when Andrea, Teagan and Reynolds met me and Ryan at the mall, Teagan looked at my shirt and said, "Aunt Hea... shirt.... match... mommy's PJs" (see confession #3)

-There has been more than one occasion where people are trying to get Ryan's attention for a photo and calling out his name for him to look with no luck... Until I say, "Try, 'Doodle'" and it works like a charm. It is in those moments that I realize I should probably start calling him by his name. Or come up with a less awkward nickname.

-On Monday of this week, I had Ryan sitting next to me in the nap nanny while I was pumping. About the time he starting arching his back to try to get out, Tally started whining incessantly about his toy that got wedged under a piece of furniture as I reached for my very full water cup but missed and knocked the entire thing over on my laptop keyboard. All while the pump was still doing its thing. I refrained from saying what was going through my mind and instead went with, "NOT a good moment." If only it landed on the pump instead. Wah wah. 

If you feel so inclined, you can pray that my air out contraption will work and that my computer will turn back on when I try it tonight!

-Earlier this week, I received an email from a guy who works with Sean Lowe's marketing team asking if I would be interested in reviewing his book For the Right Reasons and writing a post that would include an excerpt from Sean. In a hot minute I felt like my blog was WAY cooler and WAY bigger than it is and had visions of becoming the Atlanta rep for the team and coordinating book signings and speaking arrangements for his visit and how Matt and I would naturally become besties with him and Catherine once we all met. Oh and I forwarded the email on to Matt and a friend about three seconds after I finished reading it. And both fittingly made a super big deal about it which only made my cool factor go up even higher than it already was. Love them. ...So at this very moment, the book is on the way, unless the whole thing is some sort of crazy scam, in which case I already have great material for next month's confessions.

Alright y'all, I'm kind of cringing at some of the things I just put out there, so don't leave me hanging here alone! Write your own Mid-Month confessions and share them by linking up below this post (remember, one entry will automatically show up on both of our blogs). We'd also love for you to link back here by using the button below somewhere in your post. Just copy the code underneath the image and paste it in the HTML of your blog post.

Big thanks to Tricia Nae for the banner and button design! 

And don't forget to stop by E's blog to check out her confessions- she is hilarious!- and find a new friend or two from the links below!



  1. "Sometimes (okay all the time) when I'm at home with Ryan and Tally during the day, I will talk to them and have them respond to me in different voices:
    I DO THIS ALL THE TIME!!!! Oh my gosh!! I come home from work and talk to my two cats and my dog and respond in "their" voices....for example " Hi mommys little stink butt...." then I say, in the cats voice "leave me alone I'm sleeping" or "I missed you all day mommy"
    Yup - so cheers to that one ! Hahaha I think all moms/pet moms do it!

    1. Haha oh I love it! Yes I definitely mediate conversations between Ryan and Tally on a daily basis. Love that I'm not alone!

  2. Umm, my husband and I totally talk to and respond for the cat. Let's pretend we're all normal, haha.

    1. Yes let's do! Love that your husband's in on it too!

  3. I love this!! When I was on maternity leave with Sam and I spilled a whole 6 oz bottle of breast milk on my school laptop keyboard. It was a nightmare. Not only did I lose 6 oz a breast milk, but I had to sheepishly tell the tech guy at my school what had happened and wait for them to fix it. NOT a good moment. ;) I hope your laptop is working now!!! :) And, I can't wait to come visit you in Atlanta when you become a famous publicist for Sean and their first baby's godmother. Obviously.

  4. Ok so I love love love Ryan's little nickname and I love it even more that he responds to it! I totally talk to Cubby all the time. Like full blown convo's on a daily basis so I totally understand hahaha. I hope your laptop is ok and I can't wait to read your review on Sean's book!!

  5. Pregnancy brain and mommy brain are definitely a thing! I hope your laptop is doing better now. Have a great weekend!

  6. I'm planning on joining in on this fun mid month confessions. I just wanted to let you know I enjoy your blog and loved your Monthly Goals idea in place of New Year Resolutions. It's working much better for me.

    1. Me too, Deborah! So much easier to manage that thinking about what I want to accomplish for an entire year. And I'm glad you'll be joining us next month! Can't wait to read your post. :)

  7. I missed the boat this month, but I am starting a list for next month! Love this idea. And I can totally relate to all of these things!
