
Sunday, August 3, 2014

#nelsendays2014 Week 30: The week before Ryan's arrival

As I write this post, I'm holding the most amazing little bundle of love in my arms. And typing with one hand because I'm not ready to set him down for his nap yet. ;)

This past week has honestly been the best week of our lives. We are overwhelmed with love for our sweet gift from the Lord and cannot wait to share pictures and memories from the day he entered our lives. Matt will most definitely have to help me write that post so that I don't leave out any of the funny moments and sweet memories from the day. We have laughed so much this week recalling different events from the day and funny things Ryan has done in his short time with us.

I'll be back later this week to share more, but for now, here's a look at what the week leading up to Ryan's arrival looked like! (And if you want to see other shots of him before his announcement post, you can check out my instagram feed here- he's kind of taken it over ;)

DAY 203: We kept our nights simple- just me, Matt, and Tally waiting for the moment Ryan would decide to arrive. This night we enjoyed breakfast for dinner and lounged in our comfies- knowing that our schedule would soon look much different!

Day 204: A visit with the doctor to make sure little buddy was still doing fine two days after his due date. We didn't know it then, but he preferred to wait  another 4 days from this appointment before he was ready to meet us. ;)

Day 205: A surprise visit and Souper Jenny lunch with my mom, sis, and her sweet boys

Day 206: A date night at Scalini's in Marietta- a restaurant known for their eggplant parmesan helping to induce over 300 labors since the restaurant's opening 23 years ago. It's worth noting that we finished our meal at 8:30 and I was timing my contractions by 12:30 that night. Because Ryan came within 48 hours of eating the meal, his picture will go up on their "wall of babies" and we'll get a $25 gift certificate to the restaurant!

Day 207: Waiting on sweet Ryan's arrival and praying for a smooth and safe delivery. Remembering the anticipation in this moment makes me smile. And choke up (blaming it on the hormones ;)) as I think about how encouraging and supportive Matt was throughout the entire day. 

Day 208: Ryan Matthew Nelsen arrived at 12:30am on July 28th! He weighed 8lbs 13oz and was 21 inches long with the most perfect face we'd ever seen. :)

Day 209: During one of his middle-of-the-night feedings, I was wanting to snap a picture of him laying on his arm. Right as I took the picture, he let out the biggest smile! The best part is this was the only picture I took the whole night. Sweet thing.



  1. Huge congratulations, Ryan is gorgeous! Loving your instagram pics, enjoy every second, everyone says it but they really do grow up far too fast!

  2. Congrats girl! He is so so perfect, and I'm totally impressed that you didn't even miss a week of blogging!

  3. He's too cute! Good thing y'all got a free certificate out of the whole delivery, haha.
