
Thursday, June 12, 2014

#nelsendays2014 Week 23

I know I said today would be the answers to the Q&A post, but I had to switch things around a bit. That post will come tomorrow- promise!

Here's what we've been up to this past week... ahhhh- beach life, how I miss you already.

Day 155: The multi-functional baby bump ;) Matt caught this pic while I was completed engrossed in The Fault in Our Stars. SUCH A good book! I think we're going to try to see the movie this weekend. I plan to bring a box of tissues based on the number of breaks I had to take just in reading the story. In the words of Jude Law from The Holiday, I'm a weep-a.

But read it. Seriously so good.

Day 156: Matcy-matchy day for Karen and I- and Matt complimented in his navy blue trunks. It's the only suit he has- he would appreciate me saying he was not intentionally trying to coordinate with us, and neither were we for that matter!

Day 157: Soaking up the sun and the relaxation on our last day. Next year's beach trip will look a lot different for us!

Day 158: Home! Tally followed Matt everywhere, even more than normal, that first day we were back.

Day 159: Two in the kitchen! Matt took apart the rotisserie while I made the sides to our quick and easy dinner. Love when he's in the kitchen with me!

Day 160: Lunch at Souper Jenny with Matt's mom and sis and Jackson, and then shopping at Karen's for some borrowed baby essentials! She is the best!

Day 161: I watched my friend Stephanie's son Finn for the afternoon, and I'm really not sure who was more excited about spending time together- Tally or Finn. They were so cute! Finn was talking up a storm and Tally was right by his side wherever we went. Made me excited for the future!

Keep up with us daily on Instagram @hmnelsen

See you tomorrow, friends!


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