
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Piedmont Park, Bark in the Park, and some sweet luck

Our typical Sunday routine involves going to the 9 o'clock service at Buckhead Church, serving in our 2nd grade class in UpStreet during the 11 o'clock service, and then heading downstairs to our small group which meets from 12:30-2:00.

But this past Sunday, our small group was canceled last minute, so we decided to put off yard work take advantage of the nice weather and head to Piedmont Park for a picnic lunch- Firehouse subs in tow of course. ;)

Tally: "The afternoon is working out just the way I planned."

And then the craziest thing happened. I met a lady in the bathroom by the playground (yes, you read that right) who was randomly checking her newsfeed on Facebook and asked, "Was Bark in the Park today?" 

Bark in the Park is an event that Turner Field (where the Braves play) puts on twice a year where fans can bring their pups to the game.

So I proceeded to tell her that my husband and I had tried to get tickets and didn't realize how quickly it sold out. So then SHE proceeds to me ME that her friend on Facebook, has two extra human tickets and a canine ticket that he can't use BECAUSE HE'S AT PIEDMONT PARK AT A BDAY PARTY FOR HIS DAUGHTER.

WHAT?! Craziness!

So I asked the girl if she would mind asking him if he still had them available, and sure enough, he did. So she gave him my email address and he emailed us the tickets for free right then and there!

And off we went.

Well, sort of...

...Tally decided walking in the heat was an unbearable task and gave up 2 minutes before we reached our car.
So Matt left the two of us and went and got the car so that our 75 lb dog who can no longer be carried could have curb-side pick-up. 

...And off we went for the game!

The Braves went into extra innings and won in the 10th! And we made it back to car literally seconds before the downpour hit. We closed our car doors and the skies opened up. 

It was comical how much everything, even the weather, just came together that day.

So thanks to that sweet lady in the bathroom at Piedmont Park, to the man who was nice enough to email us his tickets for free (no negotiating required this time friends), and to Facebook for making it all possible. ;)

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Hahaha this post makes me smile! Bark in the park + brave game + (kinda) good weather you can't beat that. And Tally laying down in the middle haha too funny. Thanks for sharing!
    x Dani

  2. Lucky! Take advantage of those opportunities while you can, sweet friend! Looks like such a fun time.

  3. It's great how that worked out! I love going to Braves games.

  4. Somehow I didn't save your blog to my reading list and just re-discovered it! Congrats on the baby boy!! :) That's so exciting!

    That's so awesome how everything worked! Tally is just the cutest. I love how he just stopped walking haha. Dogs can be such divas but it's so easy to cave into their cute faces :)

  5. First free Dunkin and Starbucks and now this... kidding :) Glad you guys had a fun day with that sweet pup. Enjoy the spontaneity while you can :)

  6. I have a couple friends from high school who are living together in Chicago & they take their dog to bark in the park too on occasion. I can't imagine ever taking my dog out in such a large public setting with so many other dogs & be able to enjoy myself and not run running and screaming for the hills within the first 5 minutes- if I'd even make it that long, lol. In other words, I commend both you & my friends and your well behaved dogs & I can't lie and not say no just a little bit jealous that others can have such well behaved dogs & my Otto can be such a jackhole a majority of the time!
    Aside from all that, it sounds like you guys had a pretty great weekend and an even better day to have scored free baseball tickets from a random lady in the park bathroom, SCORE!
