
Monday, March 17, 2014

A flashback to 10+ years ago...

This weekend, we finished what my parents helped me start when they were here the weekend before, which was cleaning out our garage, storage closet, and guest bedroom closet.

I am a minimalist... sometimes to a fault. To a fault because I rarely save things, even sentimental things. I don't like having "stuff"if I don't have a place for it.

So I'm thankful that Matt is the sentimental saver of the two of us, because when I was going through bins that his parents gave us from their house when they moved, I came across a box of momentos that he had saved from high school and college. It was filled with notes that I had written him (bubble letters, different colored markers, cool folds and all) and hilarious pictures of us from back in the day. Here are a few of our finds that had us cracking up and reminiscing over the weekend.

While Matt was playing golf, I found one of his baseball hats with a note that one of the bat girls wrote on the bottom. So, being the mature wife that I am, I took a picture of it and then gave it to Tally and sent the pics to Matt. :)
This was one of the first pictures we took together at a church lock in. :)

How about that hair?! Sexy.

This picture makes me laugh. This was the first meal we cooked together our junior year of HS. I guess Matt's mom snuck this pic. Our expressions are classic.

I took pictures of our meals even back then- I was meant to be a food blogger ;)

Oh black choker- I'm pretty sure those were never in, but I apparently rocked one

Man, I should have taken a pic of the note I wrote on the back of this pic- Matt carried this in his wallet in HS- haha... oh the days.
One of many notes we found- it actually made me realize I should do this more... maybe without the squigglies and designs.

It wasn't a note without some nice bubble letters on the front. ;)

ahhh yes, back to reality this cold, rainy, Monday morning. Hope y'all have a great week!



  1. I love this flashback post. You two remind me so much of Jeremy and I when we started dating in high school. I love the history we get to share with our husbands

  2. Oh my, you guys were babies! And still look fabulous!! I love the stroll down memory lane.

  3. This is beyond precious. Melts my heart! Xx.

  4. So sweet! We are the opposite way round, I am the sentimental fool and my hubby likes to get rid of stuff!

  5. you guys are such babies! how see the before and after shots :)

  6. ohmygoodness, heather, i LOVE all of these pictures. i'm smiling so big!! you and matt are TOO CUTE!!! i love the pic of the two of you cooking, that his mom snuck!! and i love your captions...hahaha, i totally had a black choker!!
    you are adorable...and um, you don't age!
    thanks for sharing! xoxox
