
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Girls' Weekend in Charleston

Friday after school, Stephanie, Andrea, Finn and I left for Charleston to visit two of our other college roommates who live there. We had the best time being together, pretending like we never left Clemson. Although the babies and baby showers were a welcome reality check. ;)

Back seat riding buddy :)

Hangin with sweet E, watching a little "Curious" on the iPad before we left for the shower

Celebrating Meagan and baby Riley!

Love this girl!

Starbucks stop for a feeding

Dinner at Miyabi's!


On the drive home, we stopped- at 10:50- for a burger, fries, and milkshake. Too early? Nah.

Sweet Finn at one of our pit-stops

When I got home, this poor buddy was waiting for me. Matt had to take him to the vet over the weekend because he was in so much pain and wouldn't let anyone look at his foot. Apparently he bent back one of his toe nails (cringe) and cut it when he was playing outside. So it's back to the cone again- but only for 2 days! Poor guy!

Matt and I move his little bed into whatever room we're in, otherwise he hops all over the house trying to stay near us! Sweet buddy.

It didn't take long for him to chew off his little bandage :/ ...look at that guilty face on the left. haha. Matt and I rewrapped it with an ace bandage and are hoping that's not gone when we get home from work today. Such a puppy. So much for the cone!

Well I'm off to shape young minds- or something that resembles an attempt at that.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Sounds like y'all ended up having a great weekend! So glad y'all got to come to the shower! I had a great time meeting everyone and had some good laughs :)

  2. You and your college girlfriends are so cute together!

  3. I love the photographs! The one with both of you wearings strips is my favorite!

    Poor dogie!

