
Thursday, October 31, 2013

We are THOSE people...

...You know, the ones who are a little TOO into their dog?

The ones who create a voice for their dog so he can talk back when spoken to...

...The ones who forget that dogs can't tell time and don't have people-feelings.

...The ones who dress their dog up for football games and believe they really understand the weight of important games.

...The ones who send their dog to daycare on days they'll be gone for longer than a regular work day, and, let's not forget, to encourage positive social interaction with other dogs- because that's normal.

...and most recently, the ones who buy not one, but TWO halloween costumes for their dog (mind you, they were 75% off at Petsmart... oh wow, and now I'm justifying), 

BECAUSE-- oh it gets better-- (or worse, depending on how you look at it), said daycare is having a costume contest and said "people" aren't sure if the elephant costume (yes, you read that right) will make it through to the actual judging portion of the day.

So in the name of insanity support and festivity, Tally will look like this tonight when trick-or-treaters coming knocking at our door:



  1. OK this did it. You two are THOSE people and remind me of friends we have.....Michael and HEATHER. They too are THOSE people. And BTW do not have children. We use to be THOSE people too. And then we had twins! We still loved our pets, but we lost the title THOSE people.
    Tally looks cute, but not so thrilled. Have FUN! Are you guys dressing up?

  2. I could've written this for my cat! My husband and I have conversations every day where one of us is talking for the cat, hahaha. Weirdos?

  3. This all sounded normal to me!! :) Have you seen this buzzfeed?

    Tonight my friend is going to be Red Riding Hood and her dog is going to be the wolf :) THOSE people are my kind of people haha.

  4. I dont have a puppy, but Im sure that I would be the same way :) Your sweet puppy is absolutely adorable!

  5. haha welcome to the crazy dog lovers club

  6. I'm THAT blogger, because I may be mildly obsessed with your dog. Just kidding, but I don't blame you for being obsessed. I feel the exact same way about my two, huge dogs...and I DO also have children. I believe that dogs do feel human emotions - loneliness, grief, joy, boredom, friendship - and I wish more people felt the same kind of love for their animals as we do. XOXO

  7. You know I'm one of THOSE people, too! Wouldn't have it any other way! :)

  8. oh my he is a doll! I am currently watching a golden retriever puppy cam and I am dying for a dog!!

  9. Hahaha Heather! That is too cute! We were once THOSE people(okay NOT that bad, lol) until our beloved Max(a boxer) passed away. I definitely loved the "can't make up our mind which costume to have him wear"! Lol!
