
Sunday, January 27, 2013

SI Sportskids of the Year

My stepdad sent this touching video to me this week. The two boys in the video are the 2012 Sports Illustrated Sportskids of the Year, and it is easy to see why they were chosen for the award. Cayden is seven years old and has Cerebral Palsy. His brother, Conner, is nine years old, and decided to run Triathlons with his brother because he could see how happy he was when they ran together. 

Lebron James, who was the recipient of the Sport's Illustrated Sportsmen of the Year, gets up at the end of this clip to talk about how these two boys are the real ones worth honoring and that any parent would love to see their kids take care of each other the way these two boys do.

The clip is about 5 minutes long... you may want to grab your tissues first. ;)


  1. Wow Heather!! I was already crying a minute into it, lol! He is such an awesome big glad someone saw their story so they could be nominated. Thank you so much for sharing and thanks for linking up! Have a blessed week! ;-)

  2. omygosh, i am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. thank you SO much for sharing that amazing video, heather. what an inspirational, feel good story. what an AMAZING big brother - so intelligent and sweet. this truly touched me.
    thanks again for sharing. <3<3<3

  3. Oh my goodness! Way to make me cry!:) This is such a touching story of true dedication, love, and grace. He's such a remarkable young man! Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful story!
    Blessings to you ~ Mary

  4. I saw this video last week and it had me in tears!
