
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Legoland and the GA State Fair!

After hearing about Noah's birthday celebration at Legoland, Maddox made a special request to do the same thing for his birthday. :)

karaoke ;) 

He kept trying to reach out and touch the characters when they came close. ;)

...helping the worker build a tower!

Love that we ran into each other at Legoland on a Friday night. Steph and Dustin were there with their niece too! 

Making his Legoland coin like Noah did!

And the nice worker man gave him an extra one that someone left!

Heading into Target to pick out his Lego set (he made the same choice as Noah to spend his $20 at Target instead of Legoland since Legoland was a little more expensive). ;)

"Look how big I am!"

Sound asleep with "Ark Ark", his dolphin who has become his imaginary friend. He and Ark Ark have conversations together (adorable!)... but Ark Ark's voice is very high pitched and repetitive, so Matt and I got creative in the car, coming up with lots of questions to ask Maddox so that Ark Ark could have a little rest from talking at times. ;)

Saturday morning we started building the fire truck that Maddox picked out from Target!

And when Noah arrived at 10:30, he helped us finish it! ...not gonna lie, I got into the building a little bit- Lego's are seriously cool.

Sweet brothers

Georgia State FAIR!

He's on his tippy toes in this picture- barely tall enough... whew!

Ferris Wheel!

They each got $5 to spend on games- Noah picked shooting the crossbow at the target. He had never shot a crossbow before and was SO excited to get to try it! 

The man was super nice and taught him how to aim and balance the gun. He even let Noah get an extra turn and keep the target! We told Noah it was because he had such sweet manners. :)

He barely missed the star! He was so proud. The whole way home he stared at his target and occasionally told us new things he noticed about where his shots went compared to other peoples' shots. It was precious. 

Maddox and I laughed so hard on this ride!

Noah got back from the big roller coaster with Matt just in time to jump on the bee ride with Maddox!

Maddox chose to spend his money on a Scooby instead of playing a game.
Notice he is holding Ark Ark up in the picture too... he introduced Scooby (who he calls "Scube") to Ark Ark right when we got in the car. They are now friends and talk to each other in their own voices too.  "Scube" sounds like a deep, low dog voice, and Ark Ark sounds like a squeaky mouse. :) 
AND (bonus) we found out once we were in the car that Scooby had squeak-toys in his feet (oh boy! Sorry, Gretch), so we made a rule that Scooby could only squeak his feet in the house or outside, because squeaking in the car might not be safe for the driver. :)

Sunday morning...

Making Mickey Mouse waffles for breakfast- it made me sad that he didn't need a store anymore. :(

Morning cartoons :)

Dancing at UpStreet Sunday morning!


  1. love all the pictures... especially that precious one of Maddox on his tippy toes. :) oh my cuteness!

  2. SO cute! I love the Lego tower. Isn't Legoland so fun? I wish we had great classic State Fair's down here...we have one every summer but it's not quite the same as the way you Southerners do it!

    Have a great week :)

  3. Maddox is one lucky boy!! And adorable!
    Such a fun-filled day you planned for him! The photo of him and Matt walking into Target is so cute...he made a smart and thrifty choice by choosing Target! ;) I love that place.
    Happy October and Happy Tuesday!

  4. That was a great collection of photos on your outing. My son saw a lego shop for the first time when we travelled to Florida over the summer and nearly had a heart attack. Lets just say we spent most of our time in there.
    Your family looked like they had a great time. Their smiles makes everything worth it.
    I am following you now and would love for you to follow back.

  5. Wow! Such wonderful pictures Heather. A lot of fun time for sure. Maddox will certainly treasure the good times he had. He has a great imaginary friend, "Ark Ark!"

  6. You guys are the best aunt and uncle! BTW, the picture of you guys at Legoland posing with the lego wizard...looks like the wizard is grabbing your b00b. LOL.

    Those boys are so blessed to have you and Matt in their lives! Such fun memories.
