
Friday, March 2, 2012

March Sponsor: Heather from Raising Memories

Meet Heather Lynne. Great name, don't you think?! ;)

Heather Blogs over at Raising Memories (love that name!).

6 interesting/funny/weird facts about Heather:

1. I’ve always thought of myself as creative, but never crafty.

2. I bump into things and accidentally hurt myself way more often than normal.

3. My mom let me enter a beauty pageant when I was 11, to teach me about disappointment. I won it.

4. I’ve never been stung by a bee & am really nervous whenever they’re around me (fear of the unknown maybe?)

5. I have a University degree in Liberal Arts (which, translated, means that I took all the courses I was interested in & didn’t choose a “real” major). I loved it!

6. I love to bake, but hate to cook!

What Raising Memories is all about:

I blog mostly about fun things parents can do with or for their kids. These are almost always things that I have tried with/for my 2 little girls. I also include my photography, occasional product reviews & giveaways, and other projects I try. I also have a link party every Sunday called “Sharing Time” for other bloggers to share their best posts and find great posts.

Here are 5 sample posts from Heather's blog:

How To Make a Paper Triangle Banner (Bunting)

Owl Cupcakes

Rainbow Cookies

How To Make a Window Seat Cushion (Easy DIY- no sewing machine needed!)

Oreo Cheesecake Apple Truffles

I have a feeling some of you are going to be lost for the next few hours!!

You can also find Heather on:

How/Why did you start blogging?

I had a journal online that was only accessible to a few people. One of those people started a blog about activities she was doing with her kids. I had no idea that blogs like that existed! I started one in an effort to motivate myself to do more fun/educational things with my daughters. (the whole focus was & still is on making memories while raising your kids!)

Has your reason for blogging changed? If so, why?

My reason hasn’t changed, but my blog has definitely evolved! It’s so nice to know that there are others reading what I post & that the things I’m sharing are giving others ideas that they can use!

If you are interested in participating in a sponsor swap, please contact me here. The next available sponsor spotlight is in May.


  1. thank you for sharing such an awesome blogger, heather!!

    and thank you for your sweet comment. yes, it is an EOS cannon :) it's a t3 rebel. i'm in love with it and don't know what i ever did without it! you take amazing photos...i always love them!

    hope your week is off to a great start <3

  2. Thanks for featuring Heather, I'm going to stop by her blog right now. :) Love the ideas in those pics as well from her!

  3. Hey Heather, stop by my blog and check out my recent post. You've been tagged! ;) Only play along if you like and have the time. No pressure :) Have a good day!

  4. What a cute blog! I'll have to check it out. :)
