
Monday, February 6, 2012

Karen's Baby Shower!

Yesterday, we celebrated K girl's t-minus 2-month arrival of Little Bit! In other, more normal, words, I threw her a baby shower!!

Yes, in just two short months, we'll get to meet the little guy! We're all so excited. It was great to get to celebrate with Karen and watch her open up all of her sweet little gifts. Really, is there anything cuter in the world than baby clothes?!

It was a great time spent with family and friends. Even the weather cooperated by giving us an unseasonably warm, almost Spring-like day. Here are some pictures from the day!

My mom makes these- SO stinking cute! Crafts are my nemesis, but I may attempt making these myself for the next baby shower I'm throwing in May, JUST so I can share the how-to with y'all. They are very Pinterest-worthy if you ask me!

How cute is she?!

haha, love this! What little man doesn't need a moose head in his room?! Nice, Leslie! ;)

After the shower, we went over to K's house to see the nursery! Aside from the rocker and the pad for the changing table, it is completely ready for Little Man's arrival!

You can get these closet organizers on Etsy. Genius!! You know I love some good organization!

We're ready for him to get here now! Moms reading this, have any words of wisdom you'd like to share with Karen?! Do tell! And maybe I'll refer back to this post when we take the plunge one day. ;)


  1. What a cute baby shower! ANd the nursery is precious. Words of what works for YOU and the baby! Even if it seems crazy! Take advice and try it. If it doesn't work, move on to something else. And get the book Baby 411! Most of all write things down because you WILL forget!

  2. That was so much fun! Loved looking at all the pics! Thanks so much for throwing me such a wonderful shower!!! And yes, any advice is definitely welcome :)

  3. I love her nursery! It is so cute! Do you know where she got the ABC picture from?

    Following in GFC!

  4. you threw her such a wonderful shower!! those baby booties are adorable and such a great idea! you all have great style...i love your outfit!

    hope you had a fabulous monday <3
    maria :)

  5. Oh how fun! I love baby showers (actually just went to my brother's gf's baby shower on the weekend). I love how cute the baby stuff is hehe. Those bootie gifts are SOOO frickin' cute your mom made! Definitely Pinterest worthy ;) Tell Karen, patience is the key! There will be good days and bad days, but the good ones always outweigh anything else :) Time is precious and goes by too fast!

  6. Oh my gosh -- the pictures are fantastic! It looks like such a sweet shower -- you can tell there is a lot of love!

    I'm just popping over from the blog hop and am now your newest follower :) I hope you can stop by Gumdrop Pass and say hello when you get the chance.

    Have a good Tuesday <3

  7. What a beautiful baby shower! And wow, those closet organizers are so handy!

  8. The nursery is too cute. Looks like a great shower.

    Happy Valentine's Day.

