
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is possibly our favorite holiday of the whole year. Of course Christmas is a close contender, but Thanksgiving is nice because you get to spend relaxing time with family, eat great food, take time off of work, and look forward to seeing each other again in a few weeks! The sad thing about Christmas is that when it's over, it feels like you have to wait a long time for the excitement of everyone being together to come again.

We've started a tradition where we go to my parents' house on Wednesday, eat a great meal with them and with my step-brother and sister-in-law, Brian and Jennifer, and then we head over to Matt's grandparents house on Thursday to see his side of the family. In fact, the proximity of our two families is really pretty cool- see Matt and I met in high school in Marietta, GA. While we were in high school, my mom met Charles, who she married while we were in college and moved out to Monroe, GA. Charles has been in Monroe his entire life and owns the Sanders Furniture Company there. Matt's grandparents, have always lived in Social Circle, GA, where they own a blueberry farm that's about 15 minutes from my parents' house in Monroe.  . . .That's probably WAY more of a backstory than you were interested in learning! ha! But, we were talking about it on our drive to Social Circle this year -just how cool it is that even something as seemingly small as family location has been something that we're grateful for.

Okay, getting on with it- time for the pictures. Who really cares about all that writing anyway?!


Matt and Charles went out for a ride while mom and I chatted and enjoyed appetizers on the deck.

Brian and Jennifer drove in from Charleston- such great family they are! But now I'm kicking myself because we ate right when they got there and I forgot to get a picture with them! Glad we'll get to see them again in a few weeks (see?! That's the beauty of Thanksgiving!)

Mom can cook. :) Prime rib, sauteed carrots, mini potatoes, and sauteed onions and mushrooms- YUM!

Banana pudding with a holiday flare- love it

Social Circle

Matt's cousin Jennifer has been a gymnast for a few years now. Each time we get together, she likes to show me what she's learned. I remember wanting to do the same thing when I was little. We usually work on a few skills that she's trying to perfect. It makes me miss my coaching days! 

Oh yes, and the ridiculous getup on my knees?! That's called getting old. A very clear reminder that I am long past my days of being a gymnast, and apparently long past my days of spotting from the floor as well. Fortunately, Papa had a pair of kneepads to spare! haha... so ridiculous!

The guys tossing the football in the front yard

Karen, Jen, and K's cute little baby bump!

Side angle. :)

Looking at the stars- something we don't get to do in Atlanta!

K-girl showing he sonogram pics!

The biggest thing Jennifer needed to work on was her roundoff back-handspring. She was having a mental block when she tried to do it by herself (I remember that well!) even though she was doing it perfectly with me. So we worked on it Thursday and Friday, and she worked up the courage to do it on her own for the first time! GO JEN!

Carol and Jennifer (We obviously didn't see Muggy carrying those heavy mats on her own! Sorry Mug!)

Jay and K- the fashion icons in their own regard. . . haha, love it

Andy, Carol's husband

Papa with his TV headphones. :)

Carolyn :)

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! Now the countdown begins for Christmas. Have you started decorating yet?! That post is next!


  1. Looks like a fabulous Thanksgiving! Star gazing as a family sounds like fun!!

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :) I love how, since I'm a Georgia native---I know exactly where you are talking
