
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Maddox turns THREE!

Maddox counted down the days to his birthday. Every time someone called the house to wish my sister a happy birthday, he would tell the person it was his birthday. And every time my sister would ask, "Do you know what today is, Maddox?" (on my sister's actual birthday) he would reply, "It's my birthday." or "It's my party." Needless to say, he was very excited when we went over to their house to really celebrate his birthday and have his party! I can hardly believe he's three already. Some days, I still feel like Noah was just born! Our "boys" are growing up so fast!

Picture attempt #1

and #2- only two tries is good! :)

Mom and Charles's turn!

Time for Cake! ... and singing Happy Birthday to yourself. ;)

Our gift was a big hit!

Matt and Papa

...wish I got this clearer, but still so cute!

The birthday boy getting sleepy. :)


  1. Happy Birthday to HIM! Love his long blonde hair. They sure grow fast...(sigh)...

  2. Happy Birthday greetings coming all the way from Jamaica to Maddox! Lovely pictures! I can see that you all had a wonderful time celebrating. Maddox got some awesome gifts also. I wish him many, many, many, more HAPPY BIRTHDAYS

  3. Happy Birthday...such wonderful toys!!

