
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Emily Merritt - 3 Months

This sweet girl turned 3 months on Sunday!

She is such a sweet baby. 

This month she has really started to show her personality and reminds us so much of Ryan as a baby.

She loves books just like he did and will actually follow along with her eyes as we turn the pages.

She likes to sleep on her tummy and will scoot her little knees up so that her bottom pokes up. She also takes a few minutes to get comfortable before falling asleep, moving her head from side to side and wiggling her legs and arms around until they're just right for sleeping. It is the cutest.

She likes her paci when she's falling asleep but doesn't seem to want or need it otherwise.

She loves looking around and really likes being on her play mat and bug chair (play seat). If she's not being held, she likes to be able to see us. A people person already I think. ;)

Her hair sticks straight up just like Natalie's did, and Emily's sometimes comes together like a little point on top of her head. It is pretty cute. :)

She started rolling over this month, around 10 weeks! She has a strong little neck and whips her leg over to go from her belly to back.

She has crushed her sleeping and eating routine. On days when things get thrown off (because- life), she jumps right back into routine the next day and sleeps well at night.

She enjoys getting a bottle before bed around 7:30 and then likes to stay awake for about 30 minutes to get out her burps and look around before crashing for the night. Sweet love sleeps until 7:00 when I wake her up. On occasion she'll have a night where she needs me to give her a paci several times or help her get comfortable, and will occasionally be awake and ready to eat before 7:00 in the morning, but most nights she sleeps soundly, and most mornings I am waking her up to start her day.

She is a snuggler. She likes to be held upright with her head against our chests. If she has a tummy ache, holding her like this or wearing her in the Solly wrap while walking outside helps her calm down and feel better.

Her smiles and coos are the best. Her whole face lights up with her eyes catch ours, and her little coo almost sounds like a giggle.

We are so crazy about her and couldn't love her more.

We can't wait to watch you grow, Sweet Emily!

She had her first morning in Waumba Land at church this month and did great! Mr. Brian used to always hold Natalie like this too while she slept. :)

Our go-with-the-flow baby back there. :)



  1. She is so precious! I love watching your videos because my name is Emily and my sister's name is Natalie so it's so funny to hear those names used together! I love it! What sweet sisters they are!

  2. I love seeing these updates on your sweet girl! My Addy Grace was born the day before Emily, and my oldest in about Natalie's age, so I'm enjoying seeing how your girls grow and interact as I watch mine, too. Enjoy these days! I don't know about you, but mine sure are growing fast!

    1. That is so fun! Love Addy Grace's name! And you are right, time is moving so fast!
