
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hilton Head Island Beach Trip, Part 2

If you missed part 1, you can check it out here!

Riding bikes through the resort was one of our favorite memories from last year, so we couldn't wait to do it again this year!

This is what we looked like last year:

I guess next year we'll be driving one tandem bike with Ryan on the back and both girls in the iBert seats up front. We're growin' fast, hah!

By the way, these bikes seats are our favorites. I love having the kids up front and they love it too! 

We spotted quite a few alligators on the trails. Ryan and Papa stopped for a thumbs-up picture with one of them (Ryan still puts his pointer finger up when you tell him to give a thumbs up). :)

Some people rode through on horses while we were taking a pit stop by the lake.

Natalie wanted to sit up with Ryan at the picnic table while we rested, and as soon as I put her up there, Ryan put his arm around her- sweet buddy.

This sweet girl was such a champ all week! She napped and went to bed at different times than what she's used to and hung in so well with all of the fun we had planned.

Papa sitting on the dock with Ryan and Jackson

Ryan so badly wanted to be in this picture with Jackson and then gave a look like he was so confused about what to do when his picture was being taken. Funny boy.

Two peas in a pod with their suckers after lunch!

Bath buddies :)

I give you Jackson and Ryan's responses to Aunt KK saying "make your coolest face!" ...apparently Matt and I haven't worked on cool faces.

On our second to last day, we woke up for the sunrise again, and this time, Matt pulled up The Circle of Life on his phone and played it loud while the sun started to peek through the horizon. We could not stop cracking up about this. It was just so funny for some reason!

Big helper wanting to carry the beach toys all by himself :)

Papa spotting a doggy for Natalie :)

Aunt KK's family!

Beach walkin with daddy

Girlfriend loved pointed out all of the birds

Walking with KK while we waited on dinner
And spotting more birds with daddy. This girl loves some birds.

On our last full day, Ryan crawled into bed with us after he woke up and ended up falling back asleep for another hour or more. I loved seeing that sweet sleeping face next to me.

We all took a bike ride out to the Lawton Stables to see the animals and let the kids ride the ponies. Natalie was too young to go around the loop, but they did let her sit on one of the them, which she loved!

Always trying to keep up with the big kids

Back home we napped and then swam in the pool!


These two are the sweetest

Jackson helping Natalie walk... sweet, big boy.

When Ryan woke up from his nap, he wanted to go back out to the beach (with his Mimi's red visor) to fly a kite with the big boys. This was him mid-conversation about how he could go out to the beach by himself and how it was okay for me to just go back in the house. I told him it was actually my job to make sure he got to the beach safely but that I could walk really far behind him ;) Mister independent- you are still 2 little man.

It was such a great week!

Our next beach trip will be with my family in September. We'll be a Party of 5 + Tally for that trip, so we might be car shopping before then. Hah! But for real. 

Hope y'all are having a great week!


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