
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

What's Up Wednesday

Well somehow we are at Wednesday already!

Today I am linking up with Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer for a little What's Up Wednesday post.

What's we're eating this week:
We had sweet friends from high school stay with us last night, so after the kids went down, we stayed up (way too late!) enjoying a double date on the patio. 

I made filets, roasted carrots and potatoes, and had two new favorite things from Trader Joe's to complete the meal:
I used this crumbled feta on top of the steaks and LOVED the flavor over the plain 'ole feta cheese!

And then this ready-to-mix caesar salad from is my new favorite. YUM!

For dessert, we had brownies (Ghirardelli of course) with vanilla and Chocolate Trinity ice cream
If you have never tried this ice cream, do yourself a favor and buy it this week.

What I'm reminiscing about:
Last night we talked a lot of vacationing as a family (our friends who were with us recently took a trip to Hawaii with their two young kids- bucket list trip for us for sure!) and some of those hurdles (flying, time changes, schedule changes) that you just have to tackle head on and realize that you all survive better than expected on the other side.

It got us reminiscing about our Turks & Caicos and Maine trips with the kids and makes us so excited to take another big trip next year!

As much we wanted so badly to take one more fun trip as a family of four, the timing of this baby + Zika seemed to shut every door we explored as an option for travel.

So Matt and I are on a mission to find the right place for our family of FIVE next summer!

What I'm loving:
Maybe it's because I'm pregnant, but FOOD is what comes to mind for this question. Specifically red meat and chocolate (see last night's meal) which happen to be two things I could take or leave when I'm not pregnant. Funny, right?!

What we've been up to:
This guy right here moved into his big boy bed this week! He has done SO well and is so, so proud of his new room and bed. So now that the furniture is in, it's time to get the rest of the room set up. That's what I'll be working on this weekend!

What I'm Dreading:
Dreading might be a little strong for this, but Ryan starts preschool 3 days/week in September and I know it's going to take some serious adjusting for me not having him home all of the time! I know he is going to love it and I will love having time with Natalie and the new baby, but I will definitely have to get used to him learning things from other people and having parts of his day where I don't know what he is doing. Ah, it will be a good kind of tough in the beginning.

What I'm working on:
Getting Ryan's room and the new baby's room all ready for each of them. I loved having a nursery ready for Ryan and Natalie (see Ryan's here and Natalie's here) and want to do the same for this sweet baby girl who will be with us the end of June!

What I'm excited about:
Later this month, we're taking a little family weekend trip and I can't wait! It was our compromise for not being able to go on a big vacation this year, so we're super excited to get away with just our kiddos for a couple of days. We have the weekend planned but are still deciding between Chattanooga and Callaway Gardens. We're gonna get on booking a little place this week!! But I think the bikes and animals and butterflies at Callaway might be calling our name. ;)

What I'm Watching/Reading:
I can't say enough good things about this book! (found here) I am almost finished and it is so so good.

And that is where I'm going to have to stop today! Time to start working on breakfast for the crew. ;)

Next month, I'll join in again and include the rest of my answers to these questions.

Have a great Wednesday, friends!



  1. I love reading about your travels with little ones. Can't wait to hear about your special weekend away! :)

  2. I need to try making baked steaks again! I haven't done that in a long time! Hope you all enjoy your last family getaway as a party of four :)

    1. It's such a great way to cook them when you can't monitor the grill because you're putting kids to bed! ;) The recipe on my blog sears them in the pan, often times I do a quick 90 second sear on each side on the grill (temp around 650) to lock in the juice and flavor. Such an easy way to make steaks though!

  3. I love taking quick weekend trips up to Chattanooga. Have you taken the kiddos to the Chattanooga Choo Choo restaurant? It's pretty fun! Sounds like you have some fun projects going with setting up Ryan's room and the new nursery!

    1. No! But that sounds so fun! I'm going to check it out during nap time today so we can make a final decision on where we're going tonight! Thanks, Nadine. :)

  4. Any advice on switching to big boy beds? We are getting ready to transition George so new baby can have the crib. I am having all sorts of anxiety about it!

    1. I'll shoot you an email to the address under your name- let me know if you don't get it!
